Marvel's Avengers

Spaceshot Walkthrough and Enemy List

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Avengers Spaceshot Cover.png

This is a walkthrough for the Mission Spaceshot in Marvel's Avengers (game). See all mission objectives, chest locations, tips and strategy, and a list of enemies.

Spaceshot General Info

Mission Information

Mission Spaceshot
Type Dominion Drop Zone
Mission Power 100
Reward Guaranteed Reward
Random Iso-8 Shard
Description The Resistance has discovered a valuable Terrigen research lab. Infiltrate and obtain any materials they've been using in their research.

Spaceshot Walkthrough

1 Proceed in the open area and battle the enemies there.
2 Head towards the main objective marker to access the next area.
3 Avengers Spaceshot 01.png
In the next area, defend the specified spot until 100% completion. Then, defeat all remaining enemies to complete the mission.

Spaceshot Tips and Strategy

Focus On The Objective

Moving away from the spot you are supposed to defend will cause your progress to stop and your enemies' to increase. Having area damaging attacks will help put away the enemies that are stepping on the area.

Spaceshot Enemies

Enemy Strategy
SynthoidSynthoid Basic enemy that can be easily dealt with by combos.
Cryo SynthoidCryo Synthoid Basic enemy that can be dealt with by combos. Be wary of its chilling attack.
Proto-SynthoidProto-Synthoid Use combos to deal in damage then dodge when they execute their attacks.
RiotbotRiotbot Use charged attacks to break their shields or vault over their back to attack their weak spot.
KeeperKeeper They have slow recharge times so get closer to them and beat them with melee attacks.
Security DroneSecurity Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks.
Cryo AdaptoidCryo Adaptoid Use support heroics whenever possible as these enemies are sturdy. Alternate between quick attacks and dodging whenever they strike back.

Spaceshot Chest Locations

Chest Locations
This chest is found in the first room you come in to where the first set of enemies are.

Marvel's Avengers Mission Walkthroughs

Drop Zone Missions

Drop Zone Missions and Rewards

Elimination Drop Zone
Alpha-Threat Training Complex The Dark Nowhere
Assault Drop Zone
Exo Hydraulics Foundry Prototype Weapons Forge
Dominion Drop Zone
Proto-Synth Recycling Plant Spaceshot
Sabotage Drop Zone
Communication Nexus Hybrid Incubation Chamber
Control Drop Zone
Quantum Research Bunker Data Squib Repository
Defend Drop Zone
Fugitive Holding Facility Advanced Materials R&D Lab


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