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Welcome to Game8's Marvel's Avengers Walkthrough Wiki! Our writers are putting out new guides as quickly as possible! Have a look at any of the guides below to get started!
Version 1.08 Is here!
This is a guide to using Ms. Marvel, a playable character in the Marvel's Avengers game. Read more to find out about Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)'s backstory, in-game abilities and skills, skins, and how to play as Ms. Marvel!
Ms. Marvel - Related Articles | |
Best Ms. Marvel Build | Ms. Marvel Usage Guide |
List of Contents
Ms. Marvel | |
![]() |
Real Name | Kamala Khan |
Occupation | Student (High School) |
Place of Birth | Jersey City, New Jersey |
Abilities | Morphogenics (Polymorph), Healing Factor, Shape Distortion |
Voice Actor | Sandra Saad |
Wall Smash | Panel Hack | Flight | Grapple |
◯ | X | X | ◯ |
Wall Run | Wall Jump | Vault | Grab |
X | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ |
Support Heroic Ability (L1) | Healing Spirit Press L1 to send a radial shockwave of energy that instantly restores Willpower and staggers nearby enemies. Teammate Willpower is also partially restored. |
Assault Heroic Ability (R1) | High Five Press R1 to smash foes with a giant palm strike and STUN nearby enemies. |
Ultimate Heroic Ability (L1 + R1) | Embiggen Press L1+R1 to grow incredible in size with significantly increased damage and impact. |
Flexi-Fists | Press □ to perform a melee Light Attack. Rapidly press □ □ □ □ □ □ to combo a set of sweeping punches and kicks that can hit multiple enemies. Attacks do not interrupt enemy attacks but each hit deals more damage than the last. |
Flying Fists | While in midair, press □ to perform an Aerial Light Attack. Rapidly press □ □ □ to combo a series of Light Attacks that can target airborne enemies. The last hit of the combo is a Light Combo Finisher that inflicts significant damage and knocks enemies back. |
Spin Kick | While Sprinting, press □ to perform a jumping kick that his all nearby enemies and causes them to spin around. |
Whirling Wallop | Hold □ to leap upwards while unleashing a flurry of uppercut swings that launches enemies into the air. |
Double Down Kick | Hold □ while in midair to break through enemy guard with two downwards kicks that slam the target into the ground and deal additional Stun damage. |
Leg Sweep | While Dodging, press □ to perform a far-reaching sweep that trips all nearby enemies that aren't attacking or blocking. |
Five-Finger Fury | Press △ to perform a melee Heavy Attack. Rapidly press △ (x3) to perform a three-hit combo that can interrupt basic enemy attacks. The last hit of the combo is Heavy Combo Finisher that launches enemies into the air. |
Hammering Strike | Press △ while in midair to perform an Aerial Heavy Attack. Rapidly press △ twice to execute a two-hit combo that launches enemies into the air then smashes them back down. |
Spinning Heel Strike | Rapidly press □ □ □ □ □ △ to chain the Light Attack combo into a powerful overhead kick Heavy Combo Finisher that inflicts additional Stun damage |
Double-Barrel Punch | Hold △ to charge up a powerful double punch that breaks through enemy defenses and deals additional Stun damage. |
Hammer Fist | Hold △ while in midair to wind up a powerful punch that breaks through enemy defenses. |
Sliding Kick | Press △ while Sprinting to drop into a slide and kick the legs out from enemies. |
Catapult Kick | Press △ after performing the BATTERING RAM attack to kick forward launching enemies away with incredible force |
Fists of Justice | After performing a HAMMER FIST attack, rapidly press △ (x4) while airborne to combo a series of Heavy Attacks that deal increasing Stun damage with each hit. |
Rubber Band Bash | Press △ while Dodging to launch forward with a powerful shoulder charge that knocks enemies off balance to the ground. |
Iron Spike | Press △ an additional time at the end of the NAIL GUN combo to perform a Heavy Combo finisher that dives towards enemies with a giant fist, slamming into them with extreme force. The finisher can be performed at any point in the combo by holding △. |
Whip Fist | Hold L2 and press R2 to lash out with an extended arm, striking enemies from a distance. |
Crushing Grasp | While holding onto a grabbed enemy, press □ to squeeze the enemy, dealing constant damage. Drains intrinsic energy. |
Harpoon | Hold R2 during a WHIP FIST attack to grab and hold standard-sized enemies. Use the L-stick to move the target around then release R2 to throw them. Larger targets that cannot be grabbed are shoved forcefully back on contact. Continuously drains Intrinsic energy while enemies are held. |
Nutcracker | While holding onto a grabbed enemy, press △ to reel them in and slam them into the ground, dealing damage to any nearby combatants. |
Grip Strength | Drains 50% less intrinsic energy while holding grabbed enemies with Harpoon. |
Aerial Spike | While holding onto a grabbed enemy and in midair, press △ or □ to slam them into the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies. |
Panic Button | Slamming enemies creates a radial pulse of damage based on the type of enemy being slammed. Enemies with special damage types inflict matching Status damage. |
Polymorph | Press or hold R2 to bend and twist out of the way of basic attacks. Morph in size and strength by holding R2. While morphed, attacks inflict increased damage and impact. Using the ability drains intrinsic energy which slowly regenerates over time. |
Morning Star | Press □ immediately after Parrying an attack to knock away nearby enemies. |
Hip Check | Press R2 just before an attack hits to Dodge and Parry the strike. This ability can be used even if all intrinsic energy is depleted. Not effective against unblockable attacks. |
Whirlwind | When POLYMORPH is active, hold down □ to spin around and hit all nearby enemies. This skill can also be used while EMBIGGENED. Drains intrinsic energy when used. |
Palm Strike | Press △ immediately after Parrying an attack to trigger a high Stun damage attack that breaks through enemy defenses and can slam enemies into the ground. |
Shining Will | Regenerates Willpower by 4% per second whenever POLYMORPH is active. |
Seismic Slam | While POLYMORPH is active, hold down △ to crash down to the ground, creating a large shockwave that launches all nearby enemies into the air. This skill can be used while EMBIGGENED. Drains intrinsic energy when used. |
Healing Spirit | Press L1 to send a radial shockwave of energy that instantly restores Willpower and staggers nearby enemies. Teammate Willpower is also partially restored. |
Spirit Walk | Recovers 65% additional Willpower over a period of several seconds when activating HEALING SPIRIT. |
Team Spirit | Activating HEALING SPIRIT will automatically revive downed teammates in addition to restoring their Willpower. |
Defensive Spirit | HEALING SPIRIT increases defensive strength by 20% while active. |
Healing Spirit Specialization I | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Will to Live | Grants an additional charge of HEALING SPIRIT. |
Life Spark | HEALING SPIRIT can be activated while downed, bypassing the need to be revived by a teammate. |
Boundless Inspiration | Teammate Willpower is fully restored when activating HEALING SPIRIT. |
Healing Spirit Specialization II | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Will to Fight | Grants an additional charge of HEALING SPIRIT. |
Focused Heart | Activating HEALING SPIRIT automatically grants 100% intrinsic energy for allies and yourself. |
Inner Peace | Increases the duration of HEALING SPIRIT's residual effect by 8 seconds. |
High Five | Press R1 to smash foes with a giant palm strike and STUN nearby enemies. |
Hand Clap | Grants additional charge of HIGH FIVE. |
Backhand | Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE refunds a portion of Assault Heroic energy. HIGH FIVE: 8% UP HIGH: 20% DOWN LOW: 8% TOO SLOW: 4% |
High Five Specialization I | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Up High | Increases damage against a single, focused target by 25% |
Down Low | Can pin enemies with a single activation. |
Too Slow | Adds a large explosion area on impact. |
High Five Specialization II | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Helping Hand | Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Regen Packs. HIGH FIVE: 33% UP HIGH: 50%[n] DOWN LOW: 33%[n] TOO SLOW: 20% |
Patty Cake | Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Heroic Orbs. HIGH FIVE: 40% UP HIGH: 60% DOWN LOW: 40% TOO SLOW: 25% |
Applause | Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Intrinsic Orbs. HIGH FIVE: 60% UP HIGH: 90% DOWN LOW: 60.0% TOO SLOW: 37.5% |
Embiggen | Press L1 + R1 to grow incredible in size with significantly increased damage and impact. |
Living Large | Increases the duration of EMBIGGEN by 5 seconds. |
Walking Tall | Increases Willpower recovery rate by 30% while EMBIGGENED. |
Embiggen Specialization I | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Big Trouble | Extends the duration of the EMBIGGEN ability by 5 seconds. |
Obvious Distraction | Activating EMBIGGEN TAUNTS all nearby enemies, drawing aggro and focusing their attention away from any other teammates. |
Doctor's Orders | Every enemy defeated while EMBIGGENED has a 25% chance to drop a Regen Pack. |
Embiggen Specialization II | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Heroic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Fists of Fury | Defeating enemies while EMBIGGENED extends the duration of the ability by 1 second. |
Fists of Fate | Critical Attack does 35% more damage while EMBIGGENED. |
Fists of Glory | Every enemy defeated while EMBIGGENED has a 25% chance to drop Heroic Orbs. |
Polymorphic Dodge | Press ○ to dodge an incoming attack. Dodging just before an incoming attack lands will execute a Perfect Dodge. Quickly press ○ again while Dodging to perform a longer distance Evade. |
Leap Frog | Hold ○ when near an enemy to Vault over the target, leaving them momentarily unable to attack. Hold the Left Stick towards a desired combatant to Vault over a specific enemy. |
Extend-o-Grab | Press X while in midair to reach out and grab ledges and poles from afar. Connecting to a ledge will quickly zip up and hurdle the edge while pole connections will result in a rope-like swing. Valid connection points are indicated with a HUD marker. |
Breakaway Swing | Hold X while swinging to launch off of ledges and points with increased force and travel longer distances. |
Melee Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Ranged abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Combo Finisher Mastery | Increases the damage of all Combo Finishers by 25%. |
Ranged Combat Mastery | Boosts all Ranged Attack damage by 15%. |
Stun Mastery | Increases all Stun damage by 15%. |
Melee Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Melee abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Air Combat Mastery | Boosts Critical Attack damage by 15% while air juggling opponents. |
Traversal Attack Mastery | Boosts Critical Attack damage of Traversal attacks by 15%. |
Heroic Energy Mastery | Increases the amount of Heroic energy gained by 1% from dealing damage with Light and Heavy Attacks. |
Takedown Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Takedown abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Intrinsic Takedown Mastery | Performing a Takedown spawns an Intrinsic Orb. |
Heroic Takedown Mastery | Performing a Takedown spawns an Heroic Orb. |
Willpower Takedown Mastery | Performing a Takedown spawns a Regen Pack. |
Ranged Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Ranged abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Ranged Power Punch | Increases the power and weight of WHIP FIST, causing a stronger enemy reaction. |
Ranged Concussive Mastery | WHIP FIST creates a concussive blast on impact location. |
Ranged Pierce | WHIP FIST pierces through enemies, hitting anything in its path. |
Ranged Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Ranged abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Grab Efficiency | Reduces the cost of holding onto an enemy by 40%. |
Grab Protection | Prevents being interrupted from enemy attacks while holding onto an enemy. |
Grab Accuracy | Reduces chance enemies evade Grab by 15%. |
Ranged Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Ranged abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Regen Pack Grab Mastery | 15% chance to upgrade a Regen Pack after slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy. |
Heroic Grab Mastery | 25% chance to generate a Heroic Orb after slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy. |
Intrinsic Grab Mastery | 40% chance to generate an Intrinsic Orb when slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy. |
Intrinsic Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Intrinsic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Polymorph Efficiency | Reduces the intrinsic energy activation cost by 40% when triggering the POLYMORPH ability. Does not apply to sustained energy drain. |
Polymorphic Regeneration | Increases Willpower regeneration from SHINING WILL by 25%. |
Heroic Polymorphy | Increase Heroic energy regeneration by 15% while using POLYMORPH. |
Intrinsic Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Intrinsic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Polymorphic Reduction | Reduces the sustained intrinsic energy cost by 25% while using the POLYMORPH ability. Does not apply to the activation cost. |
Polymorph Damage | Increases the damage of all melee attacks by 12.5% while using POLYMORPH. |
Polymorphic Defense | Reduces the damage received by 15% while using POLYMORPH. |
Intrinsic Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Intrinsic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Polymorph Boost | Increases maximum amount of POLYMORPH intrinsic meter by 20%. |
Polymorph Intensity | Increases the amount of Stun damage while POLYMORPH is active by 30%. |
Polymorph Precision | Increased chance to land a Critical Hit while POLYMORPH is active by 15%. |
Intrinsic Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Intrinsic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Super Hero Endurance | Reduces the intrinsic energy cost for POLYMORPH attacks by 25%. Applies to the following abilities: WHIRLWIND SEISMIC SLAM |
Polymorphic Might | Increases the Stun damage dealt by POLYMORPH attacks by 25%. Applies to the following abilities: MORNING STAR PALM STRIKE WHIRLWIND SEISMIC SLAM |
Cunning Resolve | Increases the Critical Attack Chance for POLYMORPH attacks by 15%. Applies to the following abilities: MORNING STAR PALM STRIKE WHIRLWIND SEISMIC SLAM |
Intrinsic Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Intrinsic abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Evasive Energy | Perfect Evade refunds 30 points of intrinsic energy. |
Recovering Rebound | Parrying an attack with HIP CHECK restores 20 points of intrinsic energy. |
Adrenaline Surge | Intrinsic energy recharges faster the lower the current amount of Willpower, up to a maximum of 30% bonus. |
Defense Upgrade | Once unlocked, choose one of three specialization options to modify Defensive abilities. Swap between the three choices at any time. |
Sixth Sense | Increases the size of the Parry window of the HIP CHECK ability by 20%. |
Rapid Regeneration | SHINING WILL increases the recovery rate of WIllpower the lower the amount becomes up to 15%. |
Nimble Reflexes | Temporarily inhibits draining of intrinsic energy for 1.5 seconds after successfully Countering or Parrying attacks. |
Attributes | ・Might ・Valor ・Resolve |
Gear Perks | ・Faultless Inspiration ・Steady Inspiration ・Faultless Spark |
Early Skills | ・Shining Will ・Nutcracker |
Major Artifacts | ・Ring of the Nibelung ・Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will |
Most often, enemies will swarm you as you land in your combos. Her Polymorph ability allows her to increase her damage. Adding Whirlwind to that allows you to hit multiple enemies at once. Land combos often while in Polymorph as well to abuse Polymorph's bonus to damage.
While effective as an attacker, do not be afraid to double down and back away from the fight to use Healing Spirit. Do note that whenever you use it, you should try and use it within your allies' vicinity as well, as it can heal them too.
One of the more effective ways to deal damage with Ms. Marvel is launch enemies into the air and follow it up with amazing combos. Learn and master them quickly to give her a potent offense.
The following list shows all of the skins and (costumes) that have currently been released for Ms. Marvel.
Superfan![]() Obtained by default. |
Obsidian![]() Bonus for purchasing the Marvel's Avengers Deluxe Edition. |
D.I.Y.![]() Acquired by making progress in a story campaign. |
Double-Stitched![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Detailed![]() Acquired by deciphering Patterns at the Fabrication Machine. |
Embroidered![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Crafted![]() Acquired from the Cosmetic Vendor aboard the Helicarrier. |
Iconic![]() Acquired by completing this Hero's Iconic Mission Chain. |
Teenage Hero![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Awkward Champion![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Destined One![]() Acquired by deciphering Patterns at the Fabrication Machine. |
Cap Fan![]() Acquired by deciphering Patterns at the Fabrication Machine. |
Hulk Fan![]() Acquired from the Cosmetic Vendor aboard the Helicarrier. |
Iron Man Fan![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Widow Fan![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Greater Good![]() Bonus for pre-ordering Marvel's Avengers. |
Social Buzz![]() Acquired from the Cosmetic Vendor aboard the Helicarrier. |
Super Famous![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Stark Tech![]() Acquired by making progress in a story campaign. |
Advanced![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Blue Fathom![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Avalanche![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Jersey Girl![]() Acquired by unlocking rewards in the Hero Challenge Card. |
Billionaire Genius![]() Acquired from the Cosmetic Vendor aboard the Helicarrier. |
All-American![]() Acquired by deciphering Patterns at the Fabrication Machine. |
Do Svidanya![]() Acquired by reaching hero level 50. |
Casual![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Throggy![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Battle Suit![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Independence![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Sloth Baby![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Future Suit![]() Acquired through the online Marketplace. |
Level | Unlockable |
1 | Ms. Marvel 009 - Uncommon Nameplate |
2 | Rare Resource Bundle |
3 | 100 Credits |
4 | 125 Units |
5 | All Fun And Game - Legendary Takedown |
6 | Iron Man Fan - Rare Outfit |
7 | Ms. Marvel 006 - Uncommon Nameplate |
8 | 125 Units |
9 | Widow Fan - Rare Outfit |
10 | Upgrade Module Bundle |
11 | 200 Credits |
12 | Double-Stitched - Rare Outfit |
13 | Nailed It - Rare Emote |
14 | Team 013 - Rare Nameplate |
15 | Teenage Hero - Rare Outfit |
16 | 250 Units |
17 | Aww Man - Rare Emote |
18 | Rare Resource Bundle |
19 | Ms. Marvel 016 - Uncommon Nameplate |
20 | Upgrade Module Bundle |
21 | 200 Credits |
22 | 2 Rare Resource Bundle |
23 | Embroidered - Rare Outfit |
24 | 250 Units |
25 | 300 Credits |
26 | Ms. Marvel 017 - Uncommon Nameplate |
27 | Tough Enough - Rare Emote |
28 | Ms. Marvel 026 - Uncommon Nameplate |
29 | 250 Units |
30 | Karate - Epic Emote |
31 | 2 Upgrade Module Bundle |
32 | Ms. Marvel 030 - Uncommon Nameplate |
33 | 500 Units |
34 | Team 014 - Rare Nameplate |
35 | Happy Dance - Epic Emote |
36 | 500 Credits |
37 | Exotic Resource Bundle |
38 | Uh Oh - Legendary Emote |
39 | Super Famous - Epic Outfit |
40 | Jersey Girl - Legendary Outfit |
Hero List and All Playable Characters
List of Heroes | ||
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![]() Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) |
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Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) Usage Guide: All Skills, Heroics, and Skins
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Hey, where did all the Beta Skins go? There's like a Skin where Black Widow looks a lot like Black Cat, minus an Eye Mask. Plus there was another Ms. Marvel Skin that I liked, and it didn't appear in the Actual Game whereas it appeared in the Beta. What's up with that?