Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

List of Legendary Trinkets and Amulets

AC Shadows Legendary Trinkets and Amulets

This is a list of all Legendary Trinkets and Amulets in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). See all of the Legendary Trinkets and Amulets and learn where to get them here!

We are currently adding more entries as the team progresses through the game.

All Legendary Trinkets and Amulets

※ Select the region or gear type from the filters below then press Search.

Trinket / Amulet Type Location
Bone of the Fallen Warrior Amulet Amulet
How to Get: Purchase the Gashadokuro Bundle to obtain.
Bone of the Fallen Warrior Trinket Trinket
How to Get: Purchase the Gashadokuro Bundle to obtain.
Cerulean Core Amulet
How to Get: Progress on the Awakening Animus Project to obtain.
Cerulean Puzzle Trinket Trinket
How to Get: Progress on The Legacy Animus Project to obtain.
Dragon Tooth Amulet Amulet
How to Get: Purchase the Sekiryu Bundle to obtain.
Dragon Tooth Trinket Trinket
How to Get: Purchase the Sekiryu Bundle to obtain.
Fluttering Moth Trinket
Location: Four Devils Lair, Iga
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest inside the Four Devils Lair in Nabari Wilds to obtain. This is a conflict zone so try to sneak around or defeat all enemies to get to the chest safely.
Graceful Crane Trinket
Location: The Shimmering Fields, Omi
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest on top of a waterfall east of Koga. You can find it extremely close to the Mikami Viewpoint.
Hatou Dragon Orb Amulet Amulet
How to Get: Purchase the Hatou Bundle to obtain.
Hatou Dragon Orb Trinket Trinket
How to Get: Purchase the Hatou Bundle to obtain.
Headhunter Amulet
Location: Blackstone Cascades, Harima
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest inside a hidden cave in Blackstone Cascaades in Mount Kusagata. You can find the cave's entrance by passing through the crack behind the waterfall.
Kaen Amulet Amulet
How to Get: Purchase the Kaen Bundle to obtain.
Kaen Trinket Trinket
How to Get: Purchase the Kaen Bundle to obtain.
Oni's Fury Trinket
Location: Teratsutsuki Den, Izumi Settsu
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest inside Teratsutsuki Den in Kawachi Heights to obtain.
Otakemaru's Battlecry Trinket
Location: Koriyama Camp, Izumi Settsu
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest in the basement of Koriyama Camp. You will have to sneak through the camp to get it or kill the enemies in there.
Tatsu's Triumph Trinket
Location: Ogura Pond, Yamashiro
How to Get: Loot the Hidden Chest in a rocky area in the Ogura Peak. You can turn on the Guided Path to the viewpoint in Ogura Peak to get to the chest easily.

How to Get Legendary Trinkets and Amulets

How to Get Legendary Trinkets and Amulets

Obtained from Legendary Chests

Legendary Chests contain fixed Legendary loot that can be a Trinket or an Amulet. Most Legendary Chests can be found inside Castles and are guarded tightly.

All Legendary Chest Locations

Complete Specific Quests

Some quests reward Naoe and Yasuke with Legendary Trinkets and Amulets. They will appear once you reach the endgame part of the story. You can check the Quest Board to see the current quests that will reward you with a Trinket or Amulet!

List of All Quests and Objectives

Make Progress on the Animus Projects

Trinket from Animus Projects

Animus Projects has a Legendary Trinket and Amulet reward when you reach a specific tier. You can level up your Animus Projects by completing Animus Missions (Anomalies) in the overworld.

Get from the Animus Exchange Tab

Legendary Trinkets and Amulets may sometimes appear on the Animus Exchange Tab. You can use Keys that you get from Animus Projects to get them!

Animus Exchange resets daily and weekly, so be sure to check them regularly to see if there are Trinkets or Amulets!

Purchase Bundles in the Store

Trinket from Store

Store bundles contain Legendary Trinkets and Amulets, and you can purchase them using Helix Credits. Helix Credit is a premium currency that you can only get if you pay for it using real money.

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