Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Weapons

This is a tier list of the best weapons for Naoe and Yasuke in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to see a tier list of the best weapon types for each character, including weapon suggestions for each type.

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Best Weapons Tier List

Best Weapons for Each Character
NaoeNaoe YasukeYasuke

Best Weapons for Naoe

Tier Weapon Suggestions
S TierS-Tier KatanaKatana BloodshadeBloodshade Masked DeathMasked Death
Yami no KageYami no Kage Bleed KatanaAny Bleed Katana
A TierA-Tier TantoTanto Call of the VoidCall of the Void Igan SunsetIgan Sunset
YukimitsuYukimitsu's Revenge Poison TantoAny Poison Tanto
B TierB-Tier KusarigamaKusarigama FeatherstormFeatherstorm Death WhispererDeath Wishperer
BloodletterBloodletter Poison KusarigamaAny Poison Kusarigama

Best Weapons for Yasuke

Tier Weapon Suggestions
S TierS-Tier Long KatanaLong Katana Turqouise ZephyrTurqoise Zephyr
Adrenaline Gain KatanaAny Adrenaline Gain Long Katana
KanaboKanabo Venom PillarVenom Pillar
Daze KanaboAny Daze Kanabo
A TierA-Tier NaginataNaginata Time-Honored CrescentTime Honored Crescent
Poison NaginataAny Poison Naginata
B TierB-Tier BowBow DragonDragon's Wrath
Blush of the EarthBlush of the Earth
TeppoTeppo Patient HarbingerPatient Harbinger

Weapon Tier List Explained

Katana is the Best Damage Dealer for Naoe

Even with Naoe's limited arsenal, the Katana shines as the best weapon she can use because it has better reach, can consistently proc Vulnerable, and has access to good damage abilities. Of the three, it is the most familiar to use, easily making it to the top of the list because of how easy it is to use for beginners.

By comparison, the Tanto falls short of being the best due to its limited reach. While it has attack speed in droves and amazing abilities to match, its short reach makes it impractical when facing off against armored and elite opponents.

The Kusarigama ranks last simply because it is very difficult to master, making it a no-go for a beginner. Couple this with its low initial damage and dependence on Entanglement reactions, and you have a weapon type that isn't easy to use on a whim (breaking the power fantasy for most players).

Long Katana and Kanabo Combo Makes Yasuke a Death Machine

The Long Katana and Kanabo top the list since this combo gives you amazing single-target damage and amazing animation interrupts that dictate the tempo of battle. The former is amazing for dealing with single entities while also providing a lot of healing abilities, while the latter allows you to body elites with ease.

The Naginata is lower on the list since its AoE damage doesn't justify it poor damage compared to the Kanabo. While certainly amazing, its biggest weakness is its lackluster ability tree. Without any standout actives, it just underperforms compared to the Kanabo.

Naturally, both the Bow and Teppo end up at the bottom of the tier list since ranged weapons in AC Shadows feel clunky to use. When paired with Yasuke's limited mobility and slow turn rate, you get two weapons that are unwieldy at best.

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