Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Best Armor Tier List

Best Armor Tier List

This is a tier list of the best armor you can get in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to learn the best light armor and headgear for Naoe, and the best armor and helmets for Yasuke in this guide.

Related Armor Guides
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Best Armor Tier List

Tier Lists by Armor Type
Light ArmorLight Armor ArmorArmor
HeadgearHeadgear HelmetsHelmets
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Best Light Armor for Naoe

Tier Light Armor
S TierS-Tier Master Assassin Gear IconMaster Assassin Gear Swift Shinobi Robes IconSwift Shinobi Robes -
A TierA-Tier Yurei-Walker Robes IconYurei-Walker Robes Peasant Clothes IconPeasant Clothes -
B TierB-Tier Tools Master Gear IconTools Master Gear - -
C TierC-Tier Legendary Onna-musha Kosode IconLegendary Onna-musha Kosode HibikiHibiki's Gear SumireSumire's Gear
Mamushi Snake Robes IconMamushi Snake Robes Yu-no-ShinYu-no-Shin's Gear -

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Best Headgear for Naoe

Tier Headgear
S TierS-Tier Legendary Onna-musha Headband IconLegendary Onna-musha Headband
A TierA-Tier Yurei-Walker Hood IconYurei-Walker Hood SumireSumire's Hood -
B TierB-Tier Peasant Hat IconPeasant Hat TamakichiTamakichi's Hood -
C TierC-Tier Tools Master Mask IconTools Master Mask Master Assassin Hood IconMaster Assassin Hood Swift Shinobi Hood IconSwift Shinobi Hood

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Best Armor for Yasuke

Tier Armor
S TierS-Tier ProtectorProtector's Armor
A TierA-Tier Ship CaptainShip Captain's Gear Defense Master Clothing IconDefense Master Clothing
B TierB-Tier Master Archer Outfit IconMaster Archer Outfit Elegant Samurai Outfit IconElegant Samurai Outfit
C TierC-Tier Armor of the Legendary Samurai IconArmor of the Legendary Samurai Samurai Daimyo Armor of Legend IconSamurai Daimyo Armor of Legend

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Best Helmets for Yasuke

Tier Helmet
S TierS-Tier Helmet of the Legendary Samurai IconHelmet of the Legendary Samurai Elegant Samurai Hat IconElegant Samurai Hat
A TierA-Tier Samurai Daimyo Helmet of Legend IconSamurai Daimyo Helmet of Legend
B TierB-Tier ProtectorProtector's Helmet
C TierC-Tier Defense Master Headwrap IconDefense Master Headwrap Destroyer Samurai Helmet IconDestroyer Samurai Helmet

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Armor Tier List Explained

Ranking Explanations
Light ArmorLight Armor ArmorArmor
HeadgearHeadgear HelmetsHelmets
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Naoe Light Armor Rankings Explained

S TierS-Tier
Master Assassin Gear Icon Master Assassin Gear
Swift Shinobi Robes Icon Swift Shinobi Robes

The Master Assassin Gear and Swift Shinobi Robes take the top spot since they both boost your Assassination and Air Assassinate damage by +2, respectively. Since Naoe's playstyle is dependent on assassinations (especially at higher levels), these two are the standout "best" out of all the Light Armors available in-game.

Honorable Mentions for Light Armor

Good for Stealth
A good early game stealth armor will be the Yurei-Walker Robes, especially for players that prefer to do close-up assassinations.
Good for Combat
For combat, a good early game option will be the Peasant Clothes since it allows you to chunk enemy HP (especially when you use a Tanto or the Katana's Eviscerate skill).

Naoe Headgear Rankings Explained

S TierS-Tier
Legendary Onna-musha Headband Icon Legendary Onna-musha Headband

The Legendary Onna-musha Headband is the best headgear option for Naoe since it gives you what is essentially a free Vulnerable proc in combat. Run up to an enemy to trigger the Vault move to leave enemies open to attack. This is the perfect 1v1 headpiece for Naoe, making those required duels a breeze when equipped.

Honorable Mentions for Headgear

Good for Stealth
A good assassination-boosting headgear will be the Yurei-Walker Hood. However, do note that you must be obscured in shadow for the +2 health segment bonus to kick in.
Good for Combat
For combat, you can't go wrong with the Peasant Hat since it gives you a free Adrenaline Chunk once you enter battle.

Yasuke Armor Rankings Explained

S TierS-Tier

The Protector's Armor is the best armor for Yasuke due to its perk that allows you to Parry unblockable attacks (red attacks). This makes combat infinitely easier since Yasuke's Parry mechanic has a loot of potential buffs for it including health or adrenaline on Parry.

Honorable Mentions for Armor

Good for Parries
Defense Master Clothing Icon Defense Master Clothing

Since you'll be rocking the Protector's Armor anyway, you can get Defense Master Clothing just so you unlock its engraving. Equip it to your Protector's Armor to also get HP regen on Parry.
Good for Stealth
Master Archer Outfit Icon Master Archer Outfit

It's slim pickings for stealth armor options for Yasuke, but the Master Archer Outfit is probably the best you can get. It's biggest downside though is that you can only get it in Wakasa - a late game region.

Yasuke Helmet Rankings Explained

S TierS-Tier
Helmet of the Legendary Samurai Icon Helmet of the Legendary Samurai
Elegant Samurai Hat Icon Elegant Samurai Hat

The 2 standout helmets for Yasuke will be the Helmet of the Legendary Samurai and the Elegant Samurai Hat. For the former, its bonus crit chance can proc on any of the healing abilities Yasuke has (and he has a lot) so it has a spot in any build that involves the Long Katana.

For the latter, it synergizes with Yasuke's playstyle - one where you taunt as many enemies as possible in open combat. The free damage reduction is especially evident when you openly challenge castles and forts as Yasuke.

Honorable Mentions for Helmets

Free Revive
Once you've unlocked Samurai Stand via the main story, this helmet will be a great option, especially if you find yourself struggling in combat. It essentially allows you to cheat death once per combat instance.

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