Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

List of All Mounts

AC Shadows Mounts

Mounts are horses and beasts you can ride in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). See the list of all mounts and learn how to get them!

We are currently adding more entries as the team progresses through the game.

List of All Mounts

Note that mounts are purely cosmetic and won't give you additional stats. Higher rarity ones will also not be faster than other mounts that you can get in the game.

All Mounts
Hatou Sea Mount Kaen Mount Kinu
Kiri Sekiryu Beast Steed of Lost Souls
Tar Yozora

How to Get Mounts

How to Get Mounts

Purchase from Ornament Vendors

Mount from Ornament Vendor

Ornament Vendors sell mounts aside from hideout cosmetics and rations. The price of a mount will depend on its rarity, meaning higher rarity ones are sure to have a higher cost value.

Horse Archery Activities (Yasuke Only)

Completing Horse Archery activities will get you horses as a prize. You can only do these activities if you're playing as Yasuke.

Get from the Animus Exchange Tab

Legndary Mounts may sometimes appear on the Animus Exchange Tab. You can use the Keys you can get from Animus Projects to get them.

Animus Exchange resets daily and weekly, so be sure to check it regularly to see if there's a mount you can get!

Purchase Bundles in the Store

Mount from Store

Store bundles contain mounts available for both Naoe and Yasuke. You must acquire enough Helix Credits first by paying real money to get them.

You can also get them separate from the bundle and pay less.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Related Guides

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AC Shadows Recommended Guides

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Best Armor Best Allies
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Activity Guides
ShrinesShrine Locations Kuji-kiriKuji-kiri Locations
KatasKata Locations Horse ArcheryHorse Archery Locations
Hidden TrailsHidden Trail Locations All Activities Map
Naoe Activity Map Yasuke Activity Map
Map Guides
ViewpointFast Travel Viewpoint Locations KakuregaKakurega Locations
Chest Guides
All Legendary Chest Locations All Hidden Chest Locations
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