Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Best Engravings

Best Engravings

This is a list of the best engravings in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to learn the best engravings for Naoe and Yasuke, including the best engravings for each of their weapon and armor types.

Best Engravings

Best Engravings for Naoe

Best Engravings for Each Character
NaoeNaoe Engravings YasukeYasuke Engravings

Best Headgear Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

For Headgear Engravings, you can focus on improving your Assassination damage. Unless you have Guaranteed Assassinations turned on, your priority will be to improve your damage and have it scale with the enemy's levels.

  • Damage: +1 Health Segment removed on Assassinations.
  • Damage: +1 Health Segment removed on Assassinations with Kunai.
  • Constitution: Slow down time when detected.
  • Damage: Ground Attacks now remove 2 Health Segments on hit.

Best Light Armor Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

For Light Armor Engravings, you have a bunch to choose from since Legendaries for Naoe are pretty easy to get. Ultimately, you'll want to get your hands on the +2 Health Segments removed on Assassinations engraving.

  • Damage: Attacks have 3% chance to remove 1 Health Segments on hit.
  • Constitution: Enemies are less efficient at detecting sound.
  • Afflictions: Dead bodies release a poison cloud when investigated.
  • Constitution: Restore 20% Health after using a Tool.
  • Constitution: Avoid death and gain immunity for 8 seconds one time.
  • Damage: +2 Health Segments removed on Assassinations.

Best Naoe Trinket Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

For Trinkets, you can opt to target better Tool Damage, better defense, or better damage for our weapons.

  • Constitution: +2% tool damage per Mastery Point in Tools.
  • Constitution: +10% to Stats on equipped Katana/Tanto/Kusarigama.
  • Constitution: +10% to Stats on equipped Light Armor/Headgear.
  • Constitution: +2% Critical Damage per Mastery Point in Katana.
  • Constitution: +1% Vulnerable Damage per Mastery Point in Assassin.

Best Katana Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

You won't have a long list of best engravings for the Katana, since anything that can boost your Affliction buildup or Dodge Attacks will be your best choice.

  • Constitution: Posture attack remains charged after Dodge.
  • Affliction: Affliction Buildup is not lost over time.
  • Damage: Create an area of effect on hit with Dodge Attacks.

Best Tanto Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

For the Tanto, you'll want to improve either its impact per strike or damage via consecutive attacks. However, the best to get for newer players will either be Slow down time on Escape Strike or theone that grants better damage using Shadow Piercer.

  • Constitution: Slow down time on Escape Strike.
  • Damage: +6% damage with consecutive hits.
  • Damage: Increased Impact with all attacks.
  • Damage: Shadow Piercer now removes 2 Health Segments on hit.

Best Kusarigama Engravings

Best Naoe Engravings
Headgear Light Armor Trinket
Katana Tanto Kusarigama

For the Kusarigama, you'll want to boost either your wide, AoE sweeps or your Affliction buildup. Commit to either playstyle, or simply slap 2 Legendary engravings into a weapon and call it a day.

  • Afflictions: Trigger Affliction on Entanglement.
  • Damage: +200% damage on enemy collisions.
  • Armor: +72% Armor Damage when hitting multiple opponents.
  • Afflictions: Spread Affliction Buildup with Combo Ender.
  • Damage: Increase Impact on Alternate Attacks.

Best Engravings for Yasuke

Best Engravings for Each Character
NaoeNaoe Engravings YasukeYasuke Engravings

Best Helmet Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For the best Helmet engravings, some of the better ones will be engravings that trigger powerful abilities like Samurai Stand or the one that gives damage reduction based on the number of enemies you have around you.

  • Damage: Deal 50% damage to the attacker on Parry.
  • Damage: Automatically perform a Weakpoint attack on a successful Parry.
  • Damage: +24% damage with Combo Ender.
  • Damage: +12% damage with Abilities.
  • Constitution: Trigger Samurai Stand on death, once per combat.
  • Constitution: Reduce damage taken by 5% per enemy in conflict.
  • Constitution: Slow down time after a successful Dodge.

Best Armor Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For armor, the best will have to be Can Parry Unblockable attacks since it gives you a way to negate red attacks during combat. Alternatively, for stealth build users, make sure to get the +200% damage with Ranged Weapons engraving.

  • Constitution: Can Parry Unblockable attacks.
  • Constitution: 50% chance to negate projectiles.
  • Damage: +24% damage on next hit after a Parry.
  • Constitution: Restore 8% Health on kill
  • Damage: +200% damage with Ranged Weapons while out of combat.
  • Damage: +24% Armor Piercing with Ranged Weapon

Best Yasuke Trinket Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

You'll have a lot of +% stats depending on your equipped weapon. Pick the one that caters to your chosen main weapon or simply opt to get more defense with +% Stats for equipped armor.

  • Constitution: +10% to Stats on equipped Long Katana/Naginata/Kanabo/Bow/Teppo.
  • Constitution: +10% to Stats on equipped Helmet/Armor.
  • Constitution: +25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on kill.
  • Constitution: +2% Critical Damage per Mastery Point in Long Katana.
  • Constitution: +1% Adrenaline Gain per Mastery Point in Naginata.
  • Constitution: +1% Armor Piercing per Mastery Point in Kanabo.
  • Constitution: +1% Arrow Nock Speed per Mastery Point in Bow.
  • Constitution: +1% Headshot Damage per Mastery Point in Teppo.
  • Ranged: +50% chance to refill ammo on kill.

Best Long Katana Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For the Long Katana, you won't really have a huge priority list of engravings that you have to get since the +20% Adrenaline Gain is more than good enough based on Yasuke's playstyle.

  • Constitution: +20% Adrenaline Gain - Katana
  • Damage: Combo Enders are Postured and make enemies Vulnerable
  • Constitution: Riposte makes enemies Vulnerable
  • Damage: Sheathed Attacks are Postured and make enemies Vulnerable
  • Damage: 1 Health Segment removed after Armor Break

Best Kanabo Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

All the best engravings for the Kanabo will be locked behind legendaries. The best to get will be the Attacks cannot be interrupted engraving since it allows you to wail on enemies with complete abandon.

  • Damage: Instantly charge Posture attacks by alternating attack types.
  • Damage: Create an area of effect on hit with Combo Enders.
  • Damage: Attacks cannot be interrupted.
  • Damage: Devastation knocks out enemies.

Best Naginata Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For the Naginata, you're better off sticking to either more Adrenaline Gain or the Vulnerable proc every 8 seconds since none of the other engravings really stand out. Alternatively, you can stick an Affliction engraving to your weapon and call it a day.

  • Damage: First strike makes enemies Vulnerable every 8 seconds.
  • Damage: +10% damage.
  • Damage: Instantly charge Posture attacks when pressing Light or Heavy attacks on hit.
  • Constitution: +20% Adrenaline Gain
  • Constitution: Blocking automatically parries incoming regular attacks.

Best Bow Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For Bows, it's mostly just increasing your shot count or damage. However, one of the better ones to get will be the engraving that gives +10% Crit Chance with Posture Attacks since the Bow ability called Kyudo Master will turn all bow shots into Posture Attacks when full upgraded.

  • Damage: +10% Critical Chance with Posture attack.
  • Ranged: Instantly charge arrows.
  • Ranged: +20% Bow Draw Speed
  • Ranged: Charged arrows automatically become Posture Shots
  • Ranged: Fire multiple arrows in a single shot.

Best Teppo Engravings

Best Yasuke Engravings
Helmet Armor Trinket
Long Katana Kanabo Naginata
Bow Teppo -

For the Teppo, most of the best engravings will be locked behind Legendaries. However, since the game loves to give Yasuke only legendary Teppos via Castles and Kofuns, this won't be an issue.

  • Damage: +5% damage per meter of distance.
  • Damage: +3% Critical Chance.
  • Ranged: Chamber two bullets instead of one.
  • Ranged: Drastically reduce reload time.
  • Ranged: Suppress firing noise.
  • Ranged: Shoot multiple bullets in a single shot.

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