Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Ibuki Romance and How to Recruit

AC Shadows - Ibuki Romance and How to Recruit

Ibuki can be recruited and romanced in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) once you have access to Yasuke. Check out this guide for how to recruit Ibuki, how to romance Ibuki, Ibuki's abilities, and to learn whether or not Ibuki is non-binary!

How to Recruit Ibuki

YasukeYasuke Unlock Ibuki is recruitable only once you unlock Yasuke at the start of Act 2. You are required to play as Yasuke in order to do the quests required for Ibuki.

Complete Ambush Interrupted and Homecoming

Map Image Overworld Image

Talk to Ibuki near the Kashiwara Village in Iga in order to unlock their questline. You only need to do the Ambush Interrupted and Homecoming quests in order to recruit Ibuki, and the choices you make in both quests can affect whether or not you recruit them.

Ibuki is fairly easy to recruit, since nearly any combination of choices you make should result in their recruitment. There's only one combination of choices that lead to failing to recruit Ibuki, which are highlighted in red below. Any other combination will result in Ibuki still joining you.

Choices to Fail Ibuki Recruitment

Quest Choices
Ambush Interrupted “I was following orders.”
“I have changed.”
Homecoming “Fight with us, Kyobei.”
“Kyobei is too weak.”
Homecoming Defeat Nakatomi before they kill Kyobei
Kyobei dies during the battle with Nakatomi

You can fail to recruit Ibuki if you tell them that you were only following orders during the attack of Iga, discourage Kyobei upon discovering him in Hijiyama Fort, and fail to stop Kyobei from being killed in the battle with Nakatomi.

Hitting all three of these conditions will result in Ibuki refusing to join your team.

How to Romance Ibuki

Putting Down Roots Quest

Yasuke and Ibuki Romance

Yasuke and Ibuki can flirt with each other throughout Ibuki's questline. However, a definitive romance scene can be seen during the Putting Down Roots quest. This quest can be done after completing Homecoming, regardless of whether or not you recruit Ibuki.

After Yasuke collects flowers and presents them to Ibuki, choose the dialogue option that suggests that you want to be more than friends in order to get Yasuke and Ibuki romantically involved.

Take note that this romance scene cannot be obtained when playing in Canon Mode. This game mode does not allow you to make most choices in the game, which unfortunately, locks you out of making romantic advances.

Romance Options and How to Romance

Ibuki Abilities

Active and Passive Abilities

Rank Ability Description
Novice IbukiPetals in the Wind Active ability.
Ibuki joins the fight and deals impact attacks.
Initiate IbukiStrike of the Ronin Passive ability.
When joining the fight, Ibuki shatters the armor of nearby enemies.
Veteran Blade of Fujin Passive ability.
Ibuki will often use Strike of the Ronin while fighting.

Train Ibuki in the Dojo in order to unlock their passive abilities. Their Blade of Fujin ability can only be unlocked once you've upgraded the Dojo to level 3.

Best Hideout Building Priority

Is Ibuki Non-Binary?

Yes, Ibuki appears to be non-binary as the game uses they as their pronoun. Ibuki does not outright refer to themselves as non-binary, however, since this term doesn't quite fit into the Feudal Japan era.

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