Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Should You Fight for Iga?

AC Shadows - Should You Fight For Iga

Remaining silent during the Traditions quest is the canon choice in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Learn whether you should say you should fight for Iga or say nothing in this article.

Hattori Hanzo Conversation Outcomes

Choice Result
We must fight for Iga. Naoe aggressively responds, causing Momochi Sandayu to agree with her and Hattori Hanzo to comment that Naoe might share the same destiny with her mother.
Say nothing.
(Canon Choice)
Naoe will remain silent, causing Hanzo to comment how Naoe's father didn't teach her how to stand in her convictions.

After talking to Nagato during the beginning of the Traditions quest, you will need to take an oath with the other Iga. However, Hattori Hanzo will arrive to inform the Igans that Lord Nobunaga will arrive with a huge force.

There will be a huge argument about whether the Igans should surrender or stand up and fight. During this, Naoe can either speak up that they should fight for Iga or just remain silent in the conversation.

Should You Fight for Iga?

Choice Doesn't Matter

You can pick between saying you should fight for Iga or remain silent during the conversation as it does not affect the story in any way.

If you choose to say that you must fight for Iga, Naoe will say it with conviction making the others like Momochi Sandayu and Hattori Hanzo commend you for speaking up. However, if you remain silent, Hanzo will comment that Nagato didn't teach Naoe to stand in her conviction. Note that Naoe saying nothing is the canon choice of the story.

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