Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

List of All Headgear and Helmets

AC Shadows Headgear and Helmet

Headgear and Helmets are equipment for the head slots of Naoe and Yasuke, respectively, in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). See the list of all Headgear and Helmet and learn how to get them in the game!

Headgear and Helmet Guides
All Legendary Headgear and Helmets All Headgear and Helmets

We are currently adding more entries as the team progresses through the game.

List of All Headgear and Helmets

Headgear (Naoe)

Hood of the Enraged Headpiece of Ashes Typhoon Dragon Headpiece
Hood of the Dragon Tamakichi's Hood Peasant Hat Icon Peasant Hat
Ragged Peasant Hat Habu Snake Hood Warrior Onna-musha Headband
Silent Shinobi Hood Initiate Assassin Hood Adoaisho Snake Hood
Shrouded Shinobi Hood Tools Master Mask Icon Tools Master Mask Covert Servant Hat
Yurei-Walker Hood Icon Yurei-Walker Hood Tools Specialist Mask Disguised Servant Hat
Legendary Onna-musha Headband Shade-Walker Hood Ghost-Walker Hood
Apprentice Assassin Hood Swift Shinobi Hood Master Assassin Hood
Sumire's Hood

Helmet (Yasuke)

Kabuto of the Undead Golden Horn Helmet Red Dragon Helmet
Infernal Eternity Headpiece Destroyer Samurai Helmet Helmet of the Samurai
Helmet of the Famed Samurai Warden Helmet Kasa of the Famed Ronin
Punisher Samurai Helmet Traditional Kabukimono Headgear Protector Protector's Helmet
Samurai Daimyo Helmet of Legend Icon Samurai Daimyo Helmet of Legend Master Archer Headband Defense Master Headwrap
Elegant Samurai Hat Helmet of the Legendary Samurai

How to Get Headgear and Helmets

Obtain Method Type / Rarity
Normal Chests RNG loot (only has a chance to be a Headgear or Helmet of random rarity)
Legendary Chests A specific Legendary Headgear or Helmet
(though Legendary Chests are not guaranteed to always have armor rewards)
Gear Vendor Different rarity depending on your level
Dropped by Enemies Random Non-Legendary Weapons
Quest Reward Uncommon to Legendary Rarity
Animus Projects DLC Headgear and Helmet
Animus Exchange DLC Headgear and Helmet
Store Bundles
DLC Headgear and Helmet

Chests and Legendary Chests

Headgear from Chest

Chests can give you random Headgear and Helmet, similar to Armor and Weapons. You will have more chances of getting one by raiding castles and restricted areas in the overworld.

Legendary Chests are fixed loot

Legendary Chests are the chests that contain fixed, Legendary loot. Legendary Chests are typically found in Castles, but there are some scattered throughout the overworld.

All Legendary Chest Locations

Purchase from Gear Vendor

Headgear from Vendor

Gear Vendors or merchants can sell different Headgear and Helmet depending on your level. You can mostly find them inside towns and settlements.

Dropped by Enemies

Enemies like Ronins, Guardians and other similar enemies may drop a random Headgear or Helmet for killing them. The rarity of the Headgear and Helmet will be random, but its level will be close to the current player level.

Complete Quests

Some quests will reward you with a Headgear or Helmet for completing them. Although it is not as efficient as going to Gear Vendors or exploring for loot, it would still help you get you to areas that might have those!

All Quests

Progress on the Animus Projects

Headgear from Animus Project

Progressing through the Animus Projects will get you different Headgear and Helmets for Naoe and Yasuke. You can level up your Animus Projects by gathering enough Data Fragments in the overworld through Animus Missions.

All of the Headgear and Helmet you can get from Animus Projects are all Legendary.

Get from the Animus Exchange Tab

Legendary Headgear from Animus Exchange

Animus Exchange allows players to exchange the Key they get from Animus Projects. You will need to progress to specifc tiers of the Animus Projects to get Keys.

You may sometimes not find a Headgear or Helmet in the Animus Exchange, but be sure to check it daily as there's a section there that resets every day!

Purchase Bundles in the Store

Headgear from Bundle

You may find some Headgear and Helmet through the Store bundles in the game. However, it will require you to purchase Helix Credits using real money to acquire them.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Related Guides

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Best Armor Best Allies
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KatasKata Locations Horse ArcheryHorse Archery Locations
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