Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Searching Sakai Walkthrough

AC Shadows - Searching Sakai

Searching Sakai is an Onryo main quest for The Golden Teppo in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Searching Sakai, how to talk to Imai Sokyu, as well as the rewards for completing the quest.

Searching Sakai Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Talk to the Gunsmiths
2 Eavesdrop on the Gunsmiths
Option 1 Option 2
You're wasting my time I will pay you
3 Talk to Imai Sokyu
4 Shizuka, Sanuki, or Shigure
5 Follow Imai Sokun

Talk to the Gunsmiths

Your first objective will be to talk to the gunsmiths in the Sakai Firearm District. In this area, there will be multiple people marked with the blue marker that you can talk to. These people will talk about teppo or weapons when you get within earshot.

You do not have to talk to all of them in order to progress the quest. Once you find the two gunsmiths you need, your quest objective will change.

Eavesdrop on the Gunsmiths and Get the Contracts

Go to one of the blue markers and you will see two gunsmiths talking to each other in front of a shed in the area. They will be talking about letters that can get you to sell teppo to anyone in town through Imai Sokyu. They will also talk about selling Oda Nobunaga fake Tanegashima Teppo guns. You will need to eavesdrop on them by crouching behind the covered boxes nearby.

After eavesdropping, talk to them and try to get the contracts. They will ask you questions about who you are and then you will eventually end up picking between different dialogue options which will affect how you deal with the gunsmiths.

My Name is Not Important or I am With the Imai?

You're Wasting My Time Pay 500 Mon

You're wasting my time leads to a Chase objective

Telling Asajiro and Yakichi that they are wasting their time will have them running away from you where you are required to chase them down in order to get the letter.

Chasing them is what happens when you play in Canon Mode meaning that this is the canon choice.

Paying 500 Mon Will Lead to a Fight

Paying 500 mon to Asajiro and Yakichi will force you to fight them. You will also retrieve back the 500 mon you paid after defeating these gunsmiths.

Talk to Imai Sokyu

Imai Sokyu is located on the southern side of Sakai Firearm District, inside a house that's directly on the main street of Sakai. When you go inside the house and talk to him, his son, Imai Sokun will talk to you instead.

This objective can be quite tricky as there is no pin on his exact location. You can deploy a Scout from the map to help you narrow down the area range, but it won't be able to show you his exact location.

However, once you are within the investigation zone, you can use Observe by holding the LT button (Xbox Series), L2 button (PS5), or right mouse button (PC) to scan your surroundings to highlight any objectives. Any quest objectives within range will light up blue.

Imai Sokyu Location

Choose Between Shizuka, Sanuki, or Shigure

When talking to Imai Sokun, you will introduce yourself to him so you will be granted an audience with his father, Imai Sokyu. You will then have to choose between Shizuka, Sanuki, or Shigure as your fake name which will come to play during a later quest, Tea Ceremony.

Shizuka, Sanuki, or Shigure?

Follow Imai Sokun

Follow Imai Sokun until you two reach a building where you talk about a tea ceremony that will happen later in which you can have an audience with Imai Sokyu. You will need to get a gift for Imai Sokyu first and wear proper attire before you can go to the Tea Ceremony.

After your conversation with Imai Sokun, the quest will end.

Searching Sakai Rewards

1000 XP

Completing the Searching Sakai Quest Rewards will reward you with 1000 XP.

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