Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

How to Recruit All Allies

AC Shadows - How to Recruit All Allies

Allies are characters you can recruit through quests and upgrade from the Dojo in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Here's a list of all Allies, how to recruit each of them, and more information about Allies!

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How to Recruit All Allies

Recruitable Allies

Ally Starting Ability How to Unlock
Yaya Yaya YayaRikishi
Yaya joins the fight and performs pushback attacks.
Recruit during The Stray Dogs quest
Ibuki Ibuki IbukiPetals in the Wind
Ibuki joins the fight and deals impact attacks.
Recruit with Yasuke during the Homecoming quest
Oni-yuri Oni-yuri Oni-yuriSleep Dart
Oni-yuri puts someone to sleep.
Recruit during the Sweet Revenge quest
Gennojo Gennojo GennojoMischievous Sabotage
Gennojo throws a startling projectile.
Recruit with Naoe during The Godless Harvest quest
Katsuhime Katsuhime Teppodo
Katsuhime joins the fight and deals daze attacks.
Recruit during The Diary of Lady Rokkaku quest
Yagoro Yagoro Assassinate
Yagoro kills an enemy with 3 or fewer health chunks.
Recruit during A Blade in the Dark

Non-Recruitable Allies

TomikoTomiko JunjiroJunjiro

Tomiko are Allies part of the League that can join you in the Hideout but cannot be recruited for combat.

Fuji-maru Remains on Okishima Island


At the end of the Yasuke Quest The Wheel Turns in Omi, you can adopt the dog Fuji-maru, with the icon being similar to the recruitment icon of the above allies. However, you can't actually deploy or use Fuji-maru like you can with the other allies. Instead, Fuji-maru just remains on Okishima Island, where you can occassionally pet him.

How to Rank Up Allies

Build and Upgrade the Dojo

Level 3 Dojo effect

Increasing the rank of your Allies is only possible after building a Dojo in your Hideout. Merely having the Dojo unlocks the Initiate rank for Allies and upgrading it to level 3 allows them to reach the Veteran rank.

Upgrading the Dojo Also Increases Ally Limit

Level 2 Dojo effect

Normally, only one Ally can be assigned to your team to assist you in battle. However, this can be increased to two Allies at a time by upgrading the Dojo to level 2.

Best Hideout Building Priority

Spend Mon for Rank Up

Once the Dojo allows Allies to reach a certain rank, you can spend Mon to increase their rank and unlock new abilities!

How to Farm Money (Mon)

What are Allies?

Combat Supports

calling an Ally

Allies are recruitable characters that you can assign to your team and call upon during combat.

As Naoe, you can press the corresponding buttons to make them use their Active abilities in combat. They also have Passive abilities that are always active or trigger automatically when certain conditions are met.

Platform Call an Ally
Right Click + 5 Key
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

Unlocked Through The League Quests

Allies are unlocked and recruited by completing specific quests under The League quest board.

However, please note that some Allies can only be recruited during their quests after choosing the right dialogue options. Otherwise, you will get locked out of having them as an Ally for the rest of your playthrough.

The League Quest List

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