Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

All Castle Locations and Rewards

AC Shadows All Castle Locations and Rewards

Castles are major locations in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) that can be cleared for a Legendary Chest. Learn more about Castles, a list of Castles in each region, and tips on completing them here!

All Castle Locations and Rewards

Castles Interactive Map

Izumi Settsu Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Amagasaki Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: Low
・ Tools Master Mask
・ Unbreakable Shuriken
Katano Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
・ Tools Master Gear
・ Kunai Throw on Assassinate
Osaka Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: Low
・ Peasant Clothes
・ Assassination with Attack
Takatsuki Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: Low
・ Peasant Hat
・ Adrenaline when Entering Combat

Yamashiro Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Hanazono Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: N/A
・ Protector's Helmet
・ Damage on Parry
Nijo Palace Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
・ Protector's Armor
・ Parry Unblockables
Shoryuji Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: Low
・ Yurei-Walker Robes
・ Silent Footsteps
Yamazaki Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: Low
・ Yurei-Walker Hood
・ Greatly Improved Assassinate in Shadow

Harima Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Himeji Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Hiraiyama Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Inariyama Garrison Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: N/A
Rewards: TBD
Kanki Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Miki Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Miyanoue Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: High
・ Lethal Lotus Petal
・ Instant Kill from Poison
Takagi Otsuka Fort Samurai Daisho: 1
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD

Omi Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Azuchi Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Kashiwabara Fortress Samurai Daisho: 1
Wealth: N/A
Rewards: TBD
Nagahama Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Omizo Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Sakamoto Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD

Iga Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Hijiyama Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Kashiwara Fort Samurai Daisho: 1
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Kunimiyama Fort Samurai Daisho: 1
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Mibuno Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD

Yamato Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Koriyama Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Uda Matsuyama Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD

Wakasa Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Genbao Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Kanegasaki Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Nochiseyama Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Tsuruga Castle Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: N/A
Rewards: TBD

Tamba Castles

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Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Fukuchiyama Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Kameyama Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Miyazu Castle Samurai Daisho: 4
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Takeda Castle Samurai Daisho: 5
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Yakami Fort Samurai Daisho: 1
Wealth: N/A
Rewards: TBD

Kii Castles

Jump to a Section!
Izumi Settsu Yamashiro Harima
Omi Iga Yamato
Wakasa Tamba Kii
Castle Details
Akagi Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD
Saika Castle Samurai Daisho: 3
Wealth: High
Rewards: TBD
Tsuchibashi Fort Samurai Daisho: 2
Wealth: Low
Rewards: TBD

Tips on Completing Castles

Tag All Enemies Before Infiltrating

tagged enemies

Castles are huge areas with enemies on every corner. Regardless of how you want to eliminate the Samurai Daisho, you'd want to know the locations of every other enemy so you can plan your attacks better and avoid getting jumped.

Use the tag feature to mark all enemies in your sight range and track their movements. Tagged enemies will be highlighted on the screen even when they are moving.

Use a Stealth Approach

assassinating a Samurai Daisho from a haystack

When dealing with enemies inside Castles, it is recommended to maintain stealth and assassinate them individually, starting with the isolated ones. Engaging them in an open area is very likely to alert nearby enemies, and you will get swarmed shortly after.

Prevents Ringing of Alarm Bells

When you're spotted and an alarm bell is nearby, enemies will try to run towards the alarm bell and trigger it, placing the Wanted status on you in the region. Using a stealth approach can reduce the chances of triggered alarms from happening.

Just to be safer, you can also destroy the alarm bells before anyone else reaches them or kill the enemies trying to reach them.

How to Clear Wanted Status

Smuggle Resources with Scouts

tagging a resource stack

Other than the loot scattered all over the Castle vicinity, there are also resources that can be smuggled by your Scouts. These resource stacks are usually found in locked rooms that can only be opened with the respective Castle Kura Key.

After finding a stack of resources, approach and tag it so your Scouts can take it to the Hideout at the end of the season.

Find More Scouts or Reduce the Scout Requirement

Smuggling resources usually require two Scouts to execute, and will only refresh once the resources are taken to the Hideout at the end of the season.

To increase smuggling efficiency, you can either add more Scouts by building a Study on your Hideout or reduce the requirement to one Scout per resource stack by upgrading the Stables.

Best Hideout Building Priority

Resource Wealth May Vary Each Season

Casltes may have a different amount of wealth after a season. They may also have lower wealth if you've already smuggled resources from them.

What are Castles?

Major Bases with Legendary Chests

locked Legendary Chest

Castles are major points of interest in the game crawling with enemies that Naoe can infiltrate for more loot, including a Legendary Chest that contains unique equipment and engraving.

A certain number of Samurai Daisho must be killed within the castle to unlock the Legendary Chest. They are elite enemies that roam around specific locations within the castle.

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