Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Best Allies Tier List

Best Allies Tier List

This is a tier list ranking the best allies you can deploy in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to see all allies in the game ranked based on their usefulness in combat, as well as an explanation for each ally ranking.

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Best Allies Tier List

Tier Allies
S TierS-Tier Yaya Yaya Ibuki Ibuki
A TierA-Tier Katsuhime Katsuhime
B TierB-Tier Oni-yuri Oni-yuri Gennojo Gennojo
C TierC-Tier Yagoro Yagoro

Allies Tier List Explained

Click on a Link to Jump to Tier!
S TierS-Tier A TierA-Tier B TierB-Tier C TierC-Tier

Yaya and Ibuki are the Best Since They're Capable Distactions

Of all the potential allies you can recruit, both Yaya and Ibuki stand out since they're both like a second Yasuke that you can summon to fight or distract mobs of enemies. Even when outnumbered, both can hold their own, allowing you split aggro during battle.

If you need backup in a tough fight, Yaya's got your back. When fully upgraded, she knocks down an enemy on summon, giving you a free Ground Attack immediately. When mobbed, she can use kicks that send enemies flying.

Where Yaya is all brawn, Ibuki offers more utility with their armor-shattering passive. You'll start appreciating this once you start hitting Castles in late-game provinces since most enemies will be armored samurai.

Katsuhime is Great But Her Weapon Holds Her Back

Katsuhime, similar to Yaya and Ibuki, will appear in combat to help you out. Her Daze affliction buildup is amazing in a fight and she can also hold her own in combat. The biggest drawback to her kit is her Teppo. Due to its slow reload, she won't be dishing out as much damage as Yaya or Ibuki when things get hairy.

Gennojo and Oni-Yuri are Very Situational

Both Oni-Yuri and Gennojo give Naoe extra stealth options when infiltrating Castles or Hostile POIs. However, due to their lackluster passives and almost useless active abilities, their utility as allies become rather limited since they're easily replaced by other items or abilities in the game.

For example, Gennojo is a glorified Shinobi Bell. Sure his passives allow you to avoid detection in some instances but, even at max stealth difficulty, all his use cases are easily solved by Naoe's "Kunai-go-kill" efficiency.

A similar case happens with Oni-Yuri. While her sleep skill is useful to get past multiple enemies, her poison cloud passive only gives guards a bout of asthma that quickly passes. At most, you'll use her to get past tricky guard patrols; but again, it's nothing some good old fashioned stealth killing can't solve.

Yagoro Has No Place as an Endgame Unlock

Yagoro enters the scene in the trench tier mostly because his fully upgraded kit pales in comparison to what Naoe can do by the time you unlock him.

When fully upgraded, you can call on this assassin to kill at least 2 enemies so long as they only have a max of 5 health segments. However, by the time you reach him in the story, Naoe can do the same (if not better) using just her Kunai or regular Assassination.

At this point in the game, you're better off bringing along allies that can distract enemies or fight alongside you since you'll get so much more mileage out of them than you would this highly specialized assassin.

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