Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

List of All Weapons


There are 7 different types of weapon in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to see the list of all weapons for each weapon type and learn how to get weapons in the game!

Weapon Guides
Best Weapons Tier List All Legendary Weapons
List of All Weapons

We are currently adding more entries as the team progresses through the game.

List of All Weapons

Naoe Naoe Weapons
Katanas Kusarigamas Tantos
Yasuke Yasuke Weapons
Long Katanas Naginatas Kanabo
Bows Teppos -

Katanas (Naoe)

Bloodshade Icon Bloodshade Carved Bone Katana Dragon's Edge
Eye of the Dragon Masked Death Icon Masked Death Snakebite
Steel Blossom Yami no Kage

Kusarigamas (Naoe)

Death Whisperer Icon Death Whisperer Deathbloom Icon Deathbloom Demon Tooth Icon Demon Tooth
Eikyo Kusarigama Featherstorm Icon Featherstorm Kaen Kusarigama

Tantos (Naoe)

Artist's Tear Hatou Tanto Igan Sunset Icon Igan Sunset
Shinobi's Fury

Long Katanas (Yasuke)

Burden of Legacy Claw of the Dragon Myth Slayer
Turquoise Zephyr Icon Turquoise Zephyr Whisper of Muramasa

Naginatas (Yasuke)

Cerulean Nexus Ornate Bone Naginata Sage's Reach
Shade of Blight

Kanabo (Yasuke)

Boulder Fall Daybreak's Fury Kaen Kanabo
Rage of Red Mist Icon Rage of Red Mist Venom Pillar Icon Venom Pillar

Bows (Yasuke)

Barraging Bow of Wounding Daydreamer's Grip Dragon's Wrath
Heartspiller Last Breath

Teppos (Yasuke)

Cascading Fear Icon Cascading Fear Final Word of the Guardian Hatou Teppo
Patient Harbinger Icon Patient Harbinger Raijin's Refusal Repeating Fate

How to Get Weapons

Weapon Obtain Method Weapon Type / Rarity
Normal Chests RNG loot (only has a chance to be a weapon of random rarity)
Legendary Chests A specific Legendary Weapon
(though Legendary Chests are not guaranteed to always have weapon rewards)
Gear Vendor Different rarity Weapons depending on your level
Dropped by Enemies Random Non-Legendary Weapons
Quest Reward Uncommon to Legendary Rarity Weapons
Animus Projects DLC weapons
Animus Exchange DLC weapons
Store Bundles
DLC weapons

Chests and Legendary Chests

Weapons from Chests

The weapons obtained through chests are random weapons of random rarity. Chest loot respawns every season and the contents are randomly selected each time you open them. For example, you can find armor, a trinket, materials, or even Hideout decorations in the same chest you previously obtained a weapon in.

Legendary Chests are fixed loot

Legendary Chests are the chests that contain fixed, Legendary loot. Legendary Chests are typically found in Castles, but there are some scattered throughout the overworld.
All Legendary Chest Locations

Purchase from Gear Vendor

Weapons from Gear Vendors

Gear Vendors in the overworld sell weapons and other weapon-related items like Engravings. You will need to gather enough Mon to buy items from them.

The rarity of the weapons sold scale with your level.

Dropped by Enemies

Enemies like Ronins, Guardians, and other Elite enemies has a possibility of dropping a random non-legendary weapon. You can usually find these enemies inside restricted areas.

Complete Quests

Weapons from Quests

You can get weapons for completing quests in Assassin's Creed Shadows. You can get weapons that range from uncommon to legendary depending on what sort of quest it is, while there are some quests that only reward you with armor and no weapons.

You can view the rewards of the quest before doing it via hovering over the quest in your Objectives board.

All Quests

Get Progress on the Animus Projects

Weapons from Animus Projects

Animus Projects is a Battle Pass-type of content where you can get exclusive rewards for progressing and completing them. One of the rewards you can get from these are Legendary weapons.

You can progress an Animus Project by getting Data Fragments that you can obtain from Anomaly quests in the overworld. Note that these are time-sensitive, so be sure to do them before the new set of quests arrive.

Obtainable from the Animus Exchange Tab

Weapons from Exchange Tab

You can exchange Keys that you can get from the Animus Projects to get some weapons from the Exchange Tab. All of the items you can exchange here are Legendary.

Purchase Bundles in the Store

Weapons from Store Bundle

You can use Helix Credits to get weapons from the bundles in the Store. All weapons from each bundle are guaranteed to be Legendary rarity.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Related Guides

AC Shadows Wiki

Assassin's Creed Shadows Wiki

Guides by Category

All Categories
AC Shadows MapInteractive Map AC Shadows QuestsQuests
AlliesAllies Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
AC Shadows WeaponsWeapons AC Shadows ArmorArmor
AC Shadows HeadgearHeadgear AC Shadows TrinketsTrinkets
AC Shadows CastlesCastles AC Shadows TemplesTemples
AC Shadows - Kofun.pngKofun AC Shadows AbilitiesAbilities
AC Shadows MountsMounts AC Shadows - ChoicesChoices
Trophies PartialTrophies News PartialNews

AC Shadows Recommended Guides

NaoeBest Naoe Build YasukeBest Yasuke Build
Best Abilities Best Weapons
Best Armor Best Allies
Best Tool Upgrades Best Engravings
Activity Guides
ShrinesShrine Locations Kuji-kiriKuji-kiri Locations
KatasKata Locations Horse ArcheryHorse Archery Locations
Hidden TrailsHidden Trail Locations All Activities Map
Naoe Activity Map Yasuke Activity Map
Map Guides
ViewpointFast Travel Viewpoint Locations KakuregaKakurega Locations
Chest Guides
All Legendary Chest Locations All Hidden Chest Locations
Legendaries Guides
Legendary Weapons Legendary Armor
Legendary Headgear Legendary Trinkets
Other Guides
Game Length Difficulty Differences
Romance Options Missables and Points of No Return
New Game Plus All Key Locations


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