Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

My Name is Not Important or I am With the Imai?

My Name is Not Important or I am with the Imai Top

Pick between My Name is Not Important or I am With the Imai during the Searching Sakai quest in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Learn more about the outcome of picking either of these choices in this article.

Eavesdrop on Asajiro and Yakichi Outcomes

Choice Result
My name is not important.
(Canon Choice)
Leads to more conversation with Asajiro and Yakichi but ultimately ends with you either chasing them down or fighting them depending on your final choice.
I am with the Imai.
Final Choices
You're wasting my time.
(Canon Choice)
Asajiro and Yakichi try to escape from you, and you need to chase them down to get the contract.
I will pay you. [500] You pay 500 mon to Asajiro and Yakichi, but they will still demand more money, leading you to fighting them and getting the contracts after killing them.

During the Searching Sakai quest, you will have to eavesdrop on both Asajiro and Yakichi where you overhear them talk about forged contracts.

When you talk to them, you can either choose between “My name is not important” or “I am with the Imai,” which will lead into more conversation.

Searching Sakai Walkthrough

My Name is Not Important or I am With the Imai?

Choice Does Not Matter

It does not matter what you pick between either saying your name is not important or you are with the Imai, as they will both just lead into more conversations like telling the gunsmiths that you know Imai Sokyu's son, daughter or it's none of their business.

All these conversations will eventually lead to the final set of choices where you can either tell them they are wasting their time, pay 500 mon or that you don't have enough mon to get the contract.

Saying You're Wasting Your Time will Lead to You Chasing Them

Telling Asajiro and Yakichi that they are wasting their time will have them running away from you where you are required to chase them down in order to get the contract.

Paying 500 Mon Will Lead to a Fight

Paying 500 mon to Asajiro and Yakichi will force you to fight them in order to acquire the contract after killing them. You also retrieve back the 500 mon you paid.

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