Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Best Yasuke Build

Yasuke Build

This is a guide to the best Yasuke build in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Read on to learn the best abilities, weapons, armor, and trinket to get for both a combat and stealth Yasuke build.

Build Guides
Best Naoe Build Best Yasuke Build

Best Yasuke Build

Best Abilities for Yasuke

Best Abilities for Yasuke
Samurai MasterySamurai Long Katana MasteryLong Katana
Kanabo MasteryKanabo Bow MasteryBow

For Yasuke, your first priority for abilities will be to set up your health regen and Adrenaline Gain via passives. Once those are set, you're free to invest in active abilities for the Long Katana (heals and Adrenaline Gain) and Kanabo (damage and crowd control) trees.

For Stealth builds, you'll want to invest in a few passives from the Bow Mastery tree. However, do note that stealth gameplay as Yasuke is very clunky.

Samurai Mastery Tree Abilities

Samurai Mastery Tree

Your Samurai Mastery tree abilities will focus on improving your Health, Adrenaline Chunk count, and Adrenaline Regen. Once a sufficient number of points has been invested, you can get Stronger, Smarter... to lower your ability cooldowns for even more spam.

  • Vigor I~III: Increases your Adrenaline Chunks. Max this skill out. Very effective on Yasuke since he is an Adrenaline Generator with how many passives and equipment modifiers he has to recharge Adrenaline.
  • Heavy Impact: Nothing is more satisfying than bodying large enemies with a kick. Get this ability for easier crowd control when getting charged by these large combatants.
  • Regeneration: Grants health on kill. Makes it perfect for taunting large enemy mobs since you get more chances for health regen the more combatants there are on the field.
  • Link Attack: Allows you to extend your combo by swapping weapons mid attack chain. Pairs really well with the Kanabo.
  • Stronger, Smarter...: 15% Ability cooldown reducation at Rank 3 allows you to spam your Abilities more.

Note: Brutal Assassination is optional since Yasuke can barely sneak around. You can get one point for it just to unlock the option, but only invest more once you have the other abilities and passives set for Samurai.

Long Katana Mastery Tree Abilities

The Long Katana will be your main source of Health regen and easy Adrenaline Gain. You can use it to quickly cut down regular enemies, only switching to the Kanabo when facing off against elite opponents.

  • Payback: Make sure to fully upgrade this ability so you max out its damage while also getting health back whenever it hits.
  • Power Dash: Guarantees a Vulnerable proc. On higher difficulties, this is the best way to get free damage in against elites and high level enemies.
  • Sheathed Attack: Fully upgrade this to get 50% of an Adrenaline Chunk back when it hits.
  • Adrenaline Builder: Grants 15% Adrenaline Gain at Rank 3.

Kanabo Mastery Tree Abilities

Your Kanabo Mastery tree is all about Posture and Damage spam. When all the abilities below are learned, you'll easily crush even Samurai Daishos when swinging a Kanabo.

  • Forward Momentum: Makes attack combos faster. Paired with the Kanabo's high posture damage and you can basically stunlock enemies to death.
  • Devastation: Improves weapon damage when you alternate inputs (light and heavy attacks). Synergizes really well with Forward Momentum.
  • Ability Master: Great global passive to have since it improves the damage of all active abilities.
  • Crushing Shockwave: Good crowd control and damage especially when maxed out.
  • Spine Breaker: Amazing for setting up Ground Attacks, making it perfect in a 1v1 against elite enemies.

Bow Mastery Tree Abilities

Bow Mastery Tree

Focus on building up passives first since you'll still want points to spare for other mastery trees like Samurai and Long Katana. The goal is to raise the damage you do outside of combat to make your stealth shots effective.

  • Silent Arrows: This is the key to making a Yasuke stealth build work. You'll need this if you want to pull off one-shots with a Bow.
  • Headshot Damage: Very important if you want to increase your one-shot potential.
  • Critical Damage: Similar to more headshot damage, this increases your crit damage for better one-shot potential.
  • Larger Quiver: At Rank 3, you only get 5 Silent Arrows, so it's important to max this out quickly, otherwise, you'll be stuck with regular arrows when clearing larger POIs like Castles.

Best Weapons for Yasuke

Best Weapons for Each Playstyle
Combat Stealth

Use a Long Katana and Kanabo Combo for Open Combat

Myth SlayerMyth Slayer Type: Legendary Long Katana
Perk: Combo Enders are Postured and make enemies Vulnerable.
Recommended Engraving: Sheathed Attacks are Postured and make enemy Vulnerable.
Toxic PillarVenom Pillar Type: Legendary Kanabo
Perk: Instantly charge Posture attacks by alternating attack types.
Recommended Engraving: Attacks cannot be interrupted.

The best weapon combo for Yasuke is a Long Katana and Kanabo combo. The former is used to regen Adrenaline Chunks and regain Health without having to use Rations. The latter is used if you want to absolutely destroy elite enemies.

Switch to a Long Katana and Bow for Stealth

DragonDragon's Wrath Type: Legendary Bow
Perk: Instantly charge arrows.
Recommended Engraving: Charged arrows automatically become Posture Shots.
Myth SlayerMyth Slayer Type: Legendary Long Katana
Perk: Combo Enders are Postured and make enemies Vulnerable.
Recommended Engraving: Sheathed Attacks are Postured and make enemy Vulnerable.

If you plan to create a stealth loadout that you can swap to, use a bow since it is the only stealth option available to Yasuke. The best to get will be Dragon's Wrath simply because there is no delay when lining up charged shots for stealth kills.

Best Armor for Yasuke

Best Helmets for Yasuke
Helmet of the Legendary SamuraiHelmet of the Legendary Samurai Perk: Heal increases Critical Chance by 15% for 5 seconds.
Synergizes really well with all of Yasuke's healing abilities and passives. Allows you to guarantee the buff proc especially when using a Long Katana.
Elegant Samurai HatElegant Samurai Hat Perk: Reduce damage taken by 5% per enemy in conflict.
Obtain this to unlock its Legendary Engraving. Then, you can engrave it on a helmet with a better perk.
Samurai Daimyo Helmet of LegendSamurai Daimyo Helmet of Legend Perk: Trigger Samurai Stand on death, once per combat.
Equip this helmet to get a free "final stand" when you die in combat. Allows you to cheat death once per combat encounter.
+% Headshot Crit Chance Stealth Option: It's slim pickings for helmets that cater to a stealth playstyle. Aim to get an Epic Helmet that at least has the perk, +% Crit Chance on Headshots since this helps your one-shot kill potential with a Bow.
Best Armor for Yasuke
ProtectorProtector's Armor Perk: Can Parry Unblockable attacks.
Amazing for open combat since you'll be able to go toe to toe against elites and large enemies.
Master Archer OutfitMaster Archer Outfit Perk: +200% damage with Ranged Weapons while out of combat.
The perfect armor for a Stealth loadout. As long as you can maintain stealth, you should be able to one-shot most enemies.
Ship CaptainShip Captain's Gear Perk: 50% chance to negate projectiles.
A really good armor piece for players who like assaulting castles solo. Since latter region castles will have a ton of musketeers and archers, having this equipped gives you a bit of breathing room during fights.
Defense Master ClothingDefense Master Clothing Perk: Restore 10% health on next hit after a Parry.
A great armor piece for players who excel at parrying. Best paired by Engraving the Protector's Armor perk that allows you to parry Unblockable attacks.

Best Trinket for Yasuke

Adrenaline or Stat EngravingsAdrenaline or Stat-Boost Engravings +25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on kill.
+20% Adrenaline Gain.
+10% to Stats on equipped Long Katana.
+10% to Stats on equipped Kanabo.

Yasuke won't have a lot of early game options when it comes to Trinkets. However, any regular trinket will do in a pinch so long as it has either an Adrenaline Gain or Stat-boosting engraving.

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