Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Should You Choose Red Chinese Silk or Black Portugese Silk?

AC Shadows - Black or Red Silk

Pick the black Portuguese silk during the Dress for Success quest in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) for a better reception at the Tea Ceremony. Learn whether you should choose the red Chinese silk or black Portuguese silk as the color of your kosode in this article.

Silk Color Outcomes

Choice Result
Black Portuguese Silk
(Canon Choice)
Wakasa will praise you for your chosen Kosode when you talk to her during the Tea Ceremony quest.
Red Chinese Silk Wakasa will comment how you should've gone for a better Kosode.

You will need to choose between the red Chinese silk or the black Portuguese silk during the Dress for Success quest, which happens before the Tea Ceremony quest.

Choosing either will affect how Wakasa, a somewhat significant character introduced in the next quest, will react to you when you introduce yourself to her during the Tea Ceremony quest but this does not have a major consequence during the quest.

Should You Choose Red Chinese Silk or Black Portugese Silk?

Choose Black Silk But Choice Ultimately Doesn't Matter

Choosing the black Portuguese silk is the canon choice to pick in the story. However, choosing either silk does not affect the story in a major way and only affects Wakasa's impression of you when you introduce yourself to her in Tea Ceremony.

The black Portuguese silk will have Wakasa praising your kosode, while choosing the red Chinese silk will have her commenting that you could've gone for a better one.

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