Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

All Yaya Choice Outcomes

AC Shadows - How to Recruit Yaya
Yaya can be recruited as an ally during The Stray Dogs quest in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows). Learn how to recruit Yaya, all the choices that affect her recruitment, and her active and passive abilities.

All Yaya Choice Outcomes

Choose Two Forgiving Options

Quest Choices
Heads Will Roll Justice must be served.
Killing them isn't justice.
The Stray Dogs Forgive him.
Punish him.
The Stray Dogs You need to forgive each other.
You need to take responsibility.

There are three choices that impact Yaya's decision to join you as an ally. You just need to choose at least two out of three forgiveness-aligned answers if you want to be able to recruit Yaya.

The best Yaya choices are Killing them isn't justice, Forgive him, and You need to forgive each other. These will guarantee Yaya's recruitment. Choosing two of any of the opposite choices will result in Yaya rejecting you.

If you are playing on Canon Mode, Yaya is automatically recruited as you progress through the game and complete The Stray Dogs.

Best Allies Tier List

Complete The Stray Dogs Quest

Once you finish Yaya's League quest called The Stray Dogs, you can ask Yaya to work together with you. This is your only chance to recruit Yaya.

If you've made enough choices that she agrees with during Heads Will Roll and The Stray Dogs, then she will agree to join your team once you ask her. If you didn't make enough of the peaceful, forgiving choices, then Yaya will refuse to join you if you ask her.

Yaya Abilities

Active and Passive Abilities

Rank Ability Description
Novice YayaRikishi Active ability.
Yaya joins the fight and performs pushback attacks.
Initiate YayaOshitaoshi Passive ability.
When joining the fight, Yaya will knockdown an enemy.
Veteran Inner Strength Passive ability.
Yaya uses a powerful kick to send enemies flying.

When summoned to help out in combat, Yaya is a powerful force that can knock enemies off their feet. Her effect in battle can be more prominently felt once you unlock her passive abilities.

Train Yaya in the Dojo in order to unlock her passive abilities. Her Inner Strength ability can only be unlocked once you've upgraded the Dojo to level 3.

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All Recruitable Allies

Recruitable Allies
YayaYaya Ibuki IconIbuki Oni-yuriOni-Yuri
GennojoGennojo KatsuhimeKatsuhime Yagoro Icon no background.pngYagoro


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