Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Romance Options and How to Romance

AC Shadows - Romance Options and How to Romance

Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) features a couple of romance options that you can pursue in-game. Read on for a list of all romanceable characters and learn how to romance each of them in this guide.

All Romance Options

Character Romance Option?
IbukiIbuki Yes
(Yasuke Romance)
GennojoGennojo Yes
(Naoe Romance)
KatsuhimeKatsuhime Yes
(Naoe Romance)
RinRin Yes
(Yasuke Romance)
Lady OichiLady Oichi No
(Yasuke can only flirt with her)
Naoe and YasukueNaoe / Yasuke No
(The two protagonists can't romance each other)

Ibuki, Gennojo, and Katsuhime are the main romance options in Assassin's Creed Shadows. Lady Oichi doesn't have a romance scene, but you can flirt with her as Yasuke.

How to Romance

Ibuki - Complete Putting Down Roots Quest

You choose flirty dialogue with Ibuki as Yasuke during the Homecoming quest, which leads to their romance quest Putting Down Roots, regardless of whether you successfully recruit him into the League.

Quest Romance Dialogue
Ambush Interrupted
You first meet Ibuki in Kashiwara Village, where there is an Ambush Interrupted quest pin on the map. They will introduce themselves after you help them fight off raiders, regardless of dialogue choices.

In a conversation with Ibuki, choose "Your mind works in beautiful ways" to flirt with them.
Homecoming Pt. 2

Later on, you can recruit Ibuki into the League at this point by selecting "You don't have to be alone", and they will accept.
Homecoming Pt. 3
(Did Not Recruit)

If you choose not to recruit Ibuki, they can still be romanced in their follow-up quest if you select "Let's be together in another way" further in the conversation.
Putting Down Roots

When you meet up with Ibuki and hand them the gift, say "I want more than friendship" to initiate the romance scene.

Gennojo - Choose Flirty Dialogue Options and Complete His Questline

Geonnojo starts flirting with Naoe from the start of his recruitment questline in Act 2. As Naoe, you can reciprocate the flirting during the Sake and Swords and Honor Among Thieves quests. Flirting back eventually leads to a romantic scene with him during Stolen Hearts.

Quest Romance Dialogue
Sake and Swords

Gennojo makes a flirtatious "sword" remark to Naoe, that you can choose to playfully respond with "Depends what you're offering."
Honor Among Thieves

When you hand Gennojo the scroll and he jokes that it contains a nude portrait of himself, reply, "I'm keeping it then". Selecting this choice leads to continued romantic dialogue later.
Stolen Hearts

After rescuing Gennojo and speaking to him, he opens up about his past. Choose "I'd like to embrace you" to initiate their romance scene.

How to Recruit Gennojo

Katsuhime - Flirt With Her During Her Questline

Flirt with Katsuhime at every opportunity when you're together and during her quests. After she officially joins the League, finish The Jounin Pillow Book quest to start a romance.

Quest Romance Dialogue
Showdown in Sakamoto
On Naoe's portion of this quest, Katsuhime will accompany you. Choose "I like your teppo", and the two will begin to flirt.
Letter From Katsuhime

When Katsuhime asks you what the Kakushiba ikki has to offer, choose "It offers time with me".
The Tale of Genin

Towards the end of the quest in your dialogue with Katsuhime, select "I do enjoy your company" to compliment her.
The Diary of Lady Rokkaku

After completing this quest, Katsuhime can be recruited into the league.
The Jounin Pillow Book

Katsuhime playfully asks you to guess why she invited you out, choose "Let's find out" to initiate a romance scene with her.

Rin - Flirt with Her During Her Questline

Rin is unique in that she is romanceable despite not being part of the main story or a possible ally of the league. You can start her quest, Arrow Strike, while completing The Winter Raiders objective board in Kii. Progress her questline across 3 different season changes to get the chance to romance her.

Quest Romance Dialogue
Arrow Strike

When Rin says "Forgive the mess, my grandfather clearly saw little need to by tidy", reply with "Let me help you clean" to flirt with her.
Arrow Strike

After teaching Rin, she will say "I think you'll make for a fine teacher". Reply with "It wasn't my archery you were testing" to flirt with her.
War Horse

When Rin says "I will leave that to your imagination, sensei", reply with "You excel at everything you try" to flirt with her.
Ride into town
After War Horse, wait for the season to change then return to the Mount Omori Hut. Let Rin handle the bandits while you keep watch.
Ride into town

When Rin asks you to pick an onigiri, choose "Plum onigiri, please" since it's her favorite.
Ride into town

When Rin asks you "Tell me...what beauty do you intend to create?", reply with "I want to draw a picture of you." to continue flirting with Rin.
Ride into town

When Rin describes her life as "One filled with excitement...and you", reply with "I would like to kiss you" to initiate a romance scene with her.

Lady Oichi - Yasuke Can Only Flirt With Her

Though Yasuke can flirt with Lady Oichi and share moments together, she ultimately cannot respond to his advances further due to their differing backgrounds.

Quest Romance Dialogue
A Prayer For Omi
(Rejects You)

When Lady Oichi asks "how would you live your last night?", reply with "I would spend my last night with you". However, she rejects the idea.
The Wheel Turns

In Okishima, you'll meet Lady Oichi and have the option to select "I am drawn to you" in dialogue. However, the romance will not progress further.
The Wheel Turns Pt. 2

Towards the end of the quest, you have one more opportunity to say "Let's enjoy the moment". The two will have a moment together, though its nature is ambiguous.

Yasuke and Naoe - No Romance

Raise a Cup - Naoe and Yasuke

The two protagonists do not have an option to romance each other. The closest to that idea would be during the Raise a Cup quest in Act 2, Naoe and Yasuke relax by a campfire in the Hideout, sharing drinks and conversation.

You can make them ask one another about love or past lovers, but the exchange remains lighthearted as they continue to spend time as close allies and friends.

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