Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

The Yokai Target Locations

AC Shadows The Yokai Target Locations

The Yokai is a Quest Board in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) involving reported sightings of supernatural entities. Below is a list of all the targets associated with The Yokai, an interactive map of their locations, and when they can be found!

All Yokai Target Locations

Yokai Map


Feudal Japan

Interactive Map

All Yokai Rewards

Completing a Yokai target will grant XP, Mastery Points, weapons, and engravings. Some of these targets do not need to be killed in order to complete their objective and obtain your rewards.

Target Information
DaitenguDaitengu Travelers report seeing glimpses of a red-faced yokai on the mountaintop forests and hearing shrill, bird-like cries.
Region: Harima
Location: Arima Onsen
Season: Any
Recommended: Yasuke
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
・Daitengu's Feather (Katana)
・Damage with Combo Ender (Engraving)
KappaKappa Travelers speak of a road that swarms with creepy green creatures, who chase civilians and attack merchants.
Region: Yamashiro
Location: West of Haunted Tatarigami Village
Time of Day: Night
Recommended: Naoe
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
・Ammo on Headshot (Engraving)
Suika no BakemonoSuika no Bakemono Villagers report of seeing glimpses of plant-like creatures crawling out of the melon fields. They hear sounds of violent struggles, as these creatures seem to be tearing each other apart.
Region: Izumi Settsu
Location: Suika Lands, Yawata Plains
Season: Summer or Fall
Recommended: Yasuke
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
・Damage After Ability (Engraving)
Yuki OnnaYuki Onna Villagers and travelers report that a Yuki Onna is plaguing the mountains, especially the winter months. Many young men have gone missing. Locals say even climbing near the mountaintop saps them of energy.
Region: Omi
Location: Kawachi Kaza-ana Cave
Season: Winter
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
Oshiroi BabaOshiroi Baba Villagers report sightings of a creepy old woman with a hideous, ghostly face. They say her ramblings and demonic moaning can often be heard at night.
Region: Yamato
Location: West of Omiwa Shrine
Time of Day: Night
Recommended: Yasuke
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
・Adrenaline under Half Health (Engraving)
Taka NyudoTaka Nyudo Villagers and travelers report sightings of a strange monk on the roads at night - monstrous in size, predatory in nature.
Region: Tamba
Location: Kabasaka Village
Season: Any
Recommended: Naoe
・2000 XP
・2 Mastery Points
・Tail of the Beast (Kanabo)
・Armor Piercing on Afflicted Enemies (Engraving)

How to Unlock The Yokai

Find Mamushi in Nyoiji Daiji Temple

The Yokai quest board and its targets are unlocked by finding Mamushi in Nyoiji Daiji Temple, located on the Hills of Meeting. The quest itself is part of the People of Yamashiro quest board and requires you to look into the rumors involving Yokai.

Take note that if you encounter a Yokai before talking to Mamushi, it will not unlock the Yokai quest board, and you will not be able to see it in your Objectives menu.

Seasonal Yokai Targets

Despite some of these targets being marked as only available in specific seasons, they can actually be encountered in any season. However, those marked to only appear at night will truly only be available at night.

It still may be worth doing this quest board slowly along your journey instead of all at once, since these Yokai are found in different regions with different recommended levels.

What is The Yokai?

Unusual Citizens of Feudal Japan

Makuwauri no Bakemono
The targets on the Yokai quest board appear to be a set of eccentric people that bear resemblance to the yokai told in stories. Half of the Yokai in this objectives board do not require you to kill them, though you'll still need to participate in a fight.

Because of this, Yasuke is the ideal character to bring out when dealing with most of the Yokai targets. However, Naoe might be easier to use when taking out the bandits for the Kappa quest and to assassinate Taka Nyudo.

Should You Play as Yasuke or Naoe?

Supernatural Beings in Japanese Folklore

The Yokai are creatures or spirits in Japanese folklore that now have multiple reported sightings around Yamashiro. After debunking a rumor involving Yokai, Mamushi now asks for help in revealing the truth behind these stories.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Related Guides

AC Shadows Quests

List of All Quests and Objectives

All Quest Types

Main Objective Boards
The Shinbakufu (Onryo) The League
Naoe Quests Yasuke Quests
Target Boards
The Kabukimono The Butterfly Collector
The Twisted Tree The Yokai
The Corrupt Daikan The Iron Hand Guild
The Godai Shinobi Kurai Eikyou
The Pirate Alliance Templars
Region Quest Givers
People of Settsu People of Iga
People of Yamashiro People of Omi
People of Harima People of Yamato
People of Wakasa -


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