Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

List of Choices

AC Shadows - List of All Choices

This is a guide to all major choices in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) that can affect the quest outcomes. Read on to know all of the of the major choices and their results, as well as all the minor choices in this article!

Choices and Outcomes

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!
The following contains spoilers for the story, including the identities of targets. Please proceed with caution.

Major Choices

Major choices are decisions that affect the outcome of the quest where that choice appears in.

Quest and Choices Effects
Tea Ceremony
Should You Confront Otama or Wakasa?
① Confront Otama
② Confront Wakasa
Confronting Otama will have you chasing her to assassinate her only to learn that you got the wrong person. You will have to hunt Wakasa at Osaka Castle afterwards.

Confronting Wakasa will lead to you going into her house and assassinating her immediately.
Heads Will Roll
Should You Side With Mitsumune?
① Justice must be served.
② Killing them isn't justice.
Yaya will be displeased if you agree to kill Mitsumune. This choice can affect her recruitment in the Stray Dogs quest.
The Stray Dogs
Should You Forgive or Punish the Shrine Raider?
① Forgive the Shrine Raider
② Punish the Shrine Raider
Yaya will forgive the Shrine Raider either way, but you will earn Yaya's favor if you choose to forgive the Shrine Raider.
The Stray Dogs
Should Yaya Forgive Tetsuo or Take Responsibility?
① Forgive Tetsuo
② Take Responsibility
Yaya will forgive Tetsuo either way, but you will earn Yaya's favor if you ask her to forgive Tetsuo.

Minor Choices

Minor choices don't affect the quest's outcomes that much and only affects some of the dialogue of the characters.

Quest and Choices Effects
I Understand You Well or Say Nothing?
① I understand you well
② Say nothing
Nobunaga will know that Diogo understands him regardless of your choice.
Searching Sakai
My Name is Not Important or I am With the Imai?
① My name is not important
② I'm with the Imai
Both choices will eventually lead to you either chasing down Asajiro and Yakichi or faililng to bribe them, resulting in a fight.
Searching Sakai
Shizuka, Sanuki, or Shigure?
① Shizuka
② Sanuki
③ Shigure
If you tell the guests during the Tea Ceremony a different name from the one you told Imai Sokun, they will give you mean looks once your name is revealed.
The Perfect Gift
Should You Choose the Teapot, Jar, or Ladle?
① Gold-trimmed Teapot
② Tea-leaf Jar
③ Bamboo Ladle
Choosing Bamboo Ladle will have Imai Sokyu accept it and comments about the original owner during Tea Ceremony. No one from the guests gives a negative comment.

Otherwise, choosing the other two gifts will have the other guests giving negative remarks during Tea Ceremony.
Dress for Success
Should You Choose Red Chinese Silk or Black Portugese Silk?
① Red Chinese Silk
② Black Portuguese Silk
Choice affects Wakasa's impression of you when you introduce yourself to her during Tea Ceremony. Doesn't have a major effect on the story overall.
Should You Fight for Iga?
① Fight for Iga
② Don't Fight for Iga
Hattori Hanzo will have a different reaction to Naoe depending on your choice, but it does not affect the story.
Temple of the Horseman
Should You Find Junjiro or Go to Mitsuhide?
① Find Junjiro
② Go to Mitsuhide
Choice does not affect anything.
The Kabukimono
Should You Hunt the Kabukimono Leaders or Gather Them Together?
① Hunt the Kabukimono Leaders
② Gather Them Together?
Choosing to hunt the Kabukimono leaders one-by-one will send them to different parts of Harima.

Choosing to gather them together brings all three to the lumberyard near Takagi Otsuka Fort in Harima.
The Bad Brother
Should You Say You Supported Nobunaga?
① I supported Lord Nobunaga
② I do not support Mitsuhide
Yasuke will respond if you choose to say you supported Nobunaga. Naoe will respond if you choose to say that you do not support Mitsuhide.
The Butterfly Collector
Should You Spare or Kill the Gamemaker?
① Spare
② Kill
You will receive the Butterfly of Benevolence trinket if you spare the Gamemaker after giving her a name.
The Twisted Tree
Should You Spare or Kill Takahashi Goro?
① Spare
② Kill
You will receive the same rewards regardless of your choice.
The Twisted Tree
Should You Spare or Kill Takahashi Ichi-Hime?
① Spare
② Kill
You will receive the same rewards regardless of your choice.

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