Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

Game Length and How Long to Beat

Game Length

Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) clocks in at a generous 80 to 100 hours of gameplay. Read on to learn how long it takes to beat the game including info on its game length based on your difficulty settings.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Game Length

AC Shadows Game Length
Full Completion 100 Hours
Main Quests Only 58~60 Hours

Over 100 Hours for Full Completion

While the story quests are lengthy, the real core of the game is discovering and completing all of the open world activities across all 9 regions of the base game. If you plan to fully explore the map of Assassin's Creed Shadows, game length clocks in at a generous 100 hours.

58 Hours if Sticking to Main Quests

However, if you're playing on lower difficulties and sticking to only the main quests, Assassin's Creed Shadows clocks in at a reasonable 58~60 hour experience since you'll still need to level up as you go through each of the regions that the main quest takes you to.

List of All Quests and Objectives

How Long to Beat the Game

40 to 80 Hours for Open World Content Based on Your Playstyle

Given how massive Feudal Japan is, the time it takes to beat the game will hinge on your chosen playstyle. Full open world exploration can range from 40~80 hours, depending on whether you plan to discover all POIs or simply get to where you want to go for the main quest.

Additionally, your gameplay affects the game length as well. For example, stealth clearing a Castle as Naoe will usually take you about an hour each, especially when playing on the highest difficulty for stealth. But as Yasuke, this can be turned into a 20-minute affair if you charge in and kill everyone in open combat.

[should you play as naoe or yasuke button link]

Largely Affected by Your Difficulty Settings

There is no easy way to determine how long it will take to beat the game since a large factor will depend on your chosen difficulty and quality-of-life settings when starting Assassin's Creed Shadows.

If you plan to only experience the story of AC Shadows, you can cut down the game length to 58 hours by simply adjusting the following settings:

  • Set Combat Difficulty to Story so that both Naoe and Yasuke become one-man armies.
  • Set Stealth Difficulty to Forgiving so that enemy responses to your presence are slow.
  • Turn On the Guaranteed Assassination setting so that all assassinations are one-hit kills, similar to older AC games.
  • Turn On the Guided Exploration setting so that missions immediately tell you where the objective is without having to scout out areas. Do note this prevents you from getting certain achievements.

Difficulty Differences and How to Change

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Assassin's Creed Shadows Wiki

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