Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows)

All 10 Origami Butterfly Locations: The Butterfly Collector Walkthrough

AC Shadows - All Origami Butterfly Locations

The Butterfly Collector in Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) requires you to collect 10 origami butterflies in Osaka, some of which unlock quests. Here are all the origami butterfly locations, the Butterfly Collector quests, the rewards for each Butterfly Collector kidnapper, and how to unlock this Quest Board!

All 10 Origami Butterfly Locations

Origami Butterfly Map Locations

Finding these Origami Butterflies unlocks the quests needed to progress The Butterfly Collector quest board.

Map Location In-Game View
This purple butterfly origami is found on a tree next to the river.
On a tree near the fence. Unlocks the All Will Be Well quest when picked up.
This white origami butterfly is found on a tree behind a small shrine.
This pink origami butterfly is found on a tree behind some stables.
On a tree surrounded by shrubs. Unlocks the Find the Child quest once picked up.
This red origami butterfly is found on a tree at the north side of the Temple of Osaka.
This yellow origami butterfly is found on a tree in the middle of the houses, where some cats gather.
This green origami butterfly is found on a tree in a house's backyard.
On at tree by the river's edge. Unlocks the One that Got Away quest once picked up.
This brown origami butterfly is found on a tree beside the river running along the south side of west Osaka.

Use Observe to Locate Obscured Origami Butterflies

using Observe on an origami butterfly

An easy way to spot origami butterflies is to hold down the Observe button and look for blue dots. These will point you towards butterflies within your field of view.

PC PS5 Xbox
Observe Right Click PS4 - L2 Button.png XBOX - Left Trigger.png

List of Controls

The Butterfly Collector Walkthrough

Questline Summary

Find all 10 Origami Butterflies
The first objective that the Gamemaker will give you is to find origami butterflies hidden around Osaka. Some of the butterflies contain a message that unlocks a quest that leads to one of the Butterfly Collectors' whereabouts.

Although Naoe says she must return the origami butterflies to the Gamemaker, the woman won't be there in Katano anymore.
Complete One That Got Away
You can now start tracking the targets by doing the unlocked quests, starting with One That Got Away. Travel to Osaka and look for a child west of Fishermen's District. Talking to her will complete the quest and reveal Shucho's location.
Assassinate Shucho
The "one that messed up" is in the same street where you found the escaped child, a few steps south of the Fishermen's District. Kill Shucho to cross out one of the Butterfly Collectors.
Complete Find the Child
Travel to the island northwest of Temple of Osaka to find Kojo Ruins. Along the south road is a child about to be kidnapped by Mucho. The Butterfly Collector will spot you and run away regardless of how you approach.
Assassinate Mucho
You will have to assassinate Mucho to complete Find the Child. She will be on the northeast side of Kojo Ruins.
Complete For the Sake of Sake and Home and Dry
These two quests are unlocked after assassinating Mucho. You just need to return to the child from earlier and bring him back home.
Complete All Will Be Well
Head to the northernmost part of the island where the Temple of Osaka is to find a burnt well.
Complete Forest Fugitive and Assassinate Richo
The kidnapped child is said to be taken to a bamboo grove northeast of Noda Village, which is located north of Osaka Castle. Richo will also be there. Take her out and rescue the child.
Complete Safe as Sandals
Follow the child Richo kidnapped and make sure she returns to her mother safely .
Complete Chrysalis
Go to the Fishermen's District southwest of Osaka and check the shed to the northwest. You'll find a letter inside containing a clue to the leader's hideout.
Complete Paper Trail
Head to the Temple of Osaka next and walk a few steps north to find a paper merchant. He will reveal that he delivered the expensive papers to a woman in Nishinomaru Garden.
Assassinate Kacho
West of Osaka Castle is Nishinomaru Garden. You'll find the leader of the Butterfly Collector, Kacho, in a butterfly-filled area north of the pond, where she will meet you with a duel.
Return to the Gamemaker
Find the Gamemaker again in Katano and decide her fate.
Should You Spare or Kill the Gamemaker?

The Butterfly Collector Rewards

Rewards per Target

Target Information
Mucho This young female kidnapper is posing as a family jochu.
Location: Osaka, Izumi Settsu
・ 2000 XP
・1 Mastery Point
・Hidden Pleat
Richo Someone has kidnapped a child. They must be stopped!
Location: Osaka, Izumi Settsu
・ 2000 XP
・1 Mastery Point
・The Dog-Ear
Shucho A kidnapper who lost their target somewhere at the Fisherman's District.
Location: Osaka, Izumi Settsu
・ 2000 XP
・1 Mastery Point
・Ink Spiller
Kacho The leader of a group apparently kidnapping children around Osaka.
Location: Osaka, Izumi Settsu
・ 2000 XP
・1 Mastery Point
Gamemaker This enigmatic women made a collection game for chidren, but in reality, she is connected to Osaka's child kindappers.
Location: Osaka, Izumi Settsu
・ 5000 XP
・1 Mastery Point
・Butterfly of Benevolence
・Ebisu's Gamble

What are the Butterfly Collectors?

Secret Group That Kidnaps Children

Mucho The Butterfly Collector

The Butterfly Collector is a group of women that abducts children from wealthy families and demands payment for their release—increasing their influence across the regions of Japan. Naoe aims to stop the abductions, release the captive children, and take down the collectors.

Unlocked by Talking to a Woman in Katano

The Butterfly Collector quest board is unlocked when a woman in Katano informs you about seemingly missing children and the hidden origami butterflies. The entire questline is part of the People of Settsu quest board.

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