Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

Invitation Effect and How to Get it

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This is a page on the item Invitation in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out the Effect, Buy and Sell Price, and how to get this item from Rewards, Shops and in Dungeons.

Invitation Effect

Invitation ImageInvitation
Effect It's an invitation from an unknown sender. What would happen if you put it in the mail slot of the mysterious rooms you sometimes see in dungeons?
Buying Price 1000 Selling Price 100

How to Get Invitation

Inside of Dungeons

This Item can sometimes be found randomly in Dungeons. Be sure to always have enough space in your Toolbox to pick it up!

Outside of Dungeons

Method of Acquiring Information
Rescue Reward -
Kecleon Store Yes

Related Links

Items Banner.png
List of Items

Kinds of Items
Berries Glasses Gummies
Medicines Orbs Ribbons
Rocks Scarves Seeds
Spikes TMs Vitamins
Wands Other Items -


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