Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Scarf Items

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This is a list of all Scarf Items found in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintento Switch. Read on to find out each Item's effect!

Kinds of Items
Berries Glasses Gummies
Medicines Orbs Ribbons
Rocks Scarves Seeds
Spikes TMs Vitamins
Wands Other Items -

List of Scarf Items

Item Effect
When this item is equipped, the wearer's Belly fills twice as much when they eat something.
When this item is equipped, if a teammate with low HP is nearby, the wearer takes the attack instead.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Defense, reducing the damage taken from physical moves!
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's evasiveness.
When this item is equipped, moves sometimes won't cost PP to use.
When equipped, it sometimes explodes when the wearer takes damage. It damages nearby Pokemon and makes items on the floor disappear. The wearer doesn't get Exp. Points if an enemy faints due to damage caused by the blast.
When this item is equipped, the power of moves is greatly increased.
When this item is equipped, Pokemon you battle will be more likely to join you. It's also said that Shiny Pokemon will want to join you, too. It's only effective when the leader equips it, though.
When equipped, it speeds up the wearer's natural HP recovery.
When equipped, it prevents the wearer from taking critical hits.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Speed.
When equipped, it enables the wearer to move through walls, across the water, and to other places that normally can't be reached. But be careful! The Pokemon's Belly will empty while traveling through walls.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Attack and Sp. Atk, but it also makes their Belly empty more quickly.
If the leader equips it, it prevents items in your Toolbox from getting sticky as a result of traps or other means.
When equipped, it prevents the wearer's Ability from working.
When equipped, it enables the wearer to shrug off moves and pass them on to a nearby Pokemon. But the wearer's Belly gets emptier every time this happens. If the Pokemon's Belly gets too empty, this effect won't work.
When equipped, it prevents the wearer from getting Poisoned or Badly Poisoned.
When equipped, it prevents the wearer from getting Confused.
When this item is equipped, the wearer can ignore the topography and walk anywhere. They can even break through most walls, but doing so will make their Belly less full. When their Belly reaches 0, they won't be able to break through any more walls. There are also some walls that can't be broken, so watch out!
When equipped, thrown items that fly in a straight line will pass through walls and Pokemon.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Attack, increasing the power of physical moves!
When equipped, it heals the wearer's bad statuses, like being poisoned or paralyzed, if the wearer picks up money. It also slightly restores the wearer's HP.
When equipped, the user recovers more quickly from bad statuses like being confused or paralyzed.
When equipped, it warps you near your teammates if you get separated from them. If a teammate equips it, that teammate will warp to a spot near the leader.
When this item is equipped, the wearer will be able to walk next to a sleeping enemy without waking them up.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Sp. Atk, increasing the power of special moves!
When this item is equipped, the wearer's Belly empties more slowly.
When this item is equipped, the wearer's Belly won't empty unless they pass through walls or use linked moves.
When this item is equipped, traps the wearer steps on won't go off.
When equipped, it prevents all the wearer's stats, such as Attack or Defense, from being lowered.
When equipped, it sometimes warps the wearer somewhere on the floor.
When equipped, it shields the wearer from the weather, as if it's always Clear.
When equipped, it boosts the wearer's Sp. Def, reducing the damage taken from special moves.

Related Links

Items Banner.png
List of Items

Kinds of Items
Berries Glasses Gummies
Medicines Orbs Ribbons
Rocks Scarves Seeds
Spikes TMs Vitamins
Wands Other Items -


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