Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Spike Items

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This is a list of all Spike Items found in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out each Item's effect!

Kinds of Items
Berries Glasses Gummies
Medicines Orbs Ribbons
Rocks Scarves Seeds
Spikes TMs Vitamins
Wands Other Items -

List of Spike Items

Item Effect
When hurled, it flies in a straight line to damage any enemy it hits. Cacnea fans can't get enough of it!
When hurled, it flies in a straight line to damage any enemy it hits. This rare item makes you feel like Corsola!
When hurled, it flies in a straight line to damage any enemy it hits. The sparkling gold makes you feel classy!
When hurled, it flies in a straight line to damage any enemy it hits. It feels really solid!
When hurled, it flies in a straight line through walls and Pokemon to damage any enemy it hits.

Related Links

Items Banner.png
List of Items

Kinds of Items
Berries Glasses Gummies
Medicines Orbs Ribbons
Rocks Scarves Seeds
Spikes TMs Vitamins
Wands Other Items -


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