Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Steady on, Grandad! Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the side quest Steady on, Grandad! in the epilogue of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1). Read on for where to find this quest, how to complete it, and its rewards.

Steady on, Grandad! Basic Information

Gran Dell
Location Giver Timed?
Grand Arch
36000 G
Replica Wristband, Replica Bottoms, Replica Shoes

Steady on, Grandad! Side Quest Walkthrough

1 Skip travel to the Junks and go inside.
2 The First-Aid Kit is missing so you’ll have to go find someone named Solthas in Nerthis Necropolis.
3 Skip travel to the Nerthis Necropolis Gate landmark and head towards the back.
4 Take a left and speak to Solthas, choosing either dialogue option.
5 Return to Miles and give him the First-Aid Kit to complete the quest.

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Related Links

Future Connected Side Quests Guide

Future Connected Side Quests
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4


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