Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Best Units for Auto Battle

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Best Units for Auto Battle Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

This a guide on how to use the auto battle feature and the best units for auto battle for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To learn how to use auto battle as well as what types of units to use, read on!

How to Use Auto Battle

With Default Settings

Auto Battle Default Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

The default settings for Auto Battle is in the Menu. Tapping this will have your units automatically move towards the enemy team.

You can, however, enable the auto battle button to show on the map screen to make things easier!

Enabling the Auto Battle Button in All Maps

Tap Settings, then Look for Auto Battle Button

Auto Battle Button Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

To enable the auto battle button in all maps, got to Settings, then scroll until you see the Auto Battle Button option. Change this to All Locations.

Auto Battle Button Will Be On Your Map Screen

Auto Battle Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

Once you've made this change, the button will now be shown the moment you start a map.

Other Settings for Auto Battle

Auto Battle Settings Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

If you would like to just speed things up and just spam auto battle over and over, here are some settings we recommend using!

Name Setting Reason
Assist Skills in Auto Off If you want to avoid your units using skills like Reposition or Draw Back.
Auto Battle Text Auto Advance All text is automatically scrolled through to save you time from tapping to advance the on-screen text.
Continuous Auto On Will keep battles going if there are several maps in a mode. Very useful for Tempest Trials!
Auto: No Animation On Disables any attack or assist animations from all units as long as Auto Battle ins enabled.

Recommended Units for Auto Battle

Tanky Units That Can Counterattack Regardless of Range

Edelgard - Adrestian Emperor ImageBrave Edelgard Hector - Brave Warrior ImageBrave Hector Corrin - Child of Dusk ImageLegendary Corrin (F) Robin - Fell Reincarnation ImageFallen Robin (M)

One of the best types of units that you can use for auto battle are tanky units that can counterattack regardless of range.

This ensures that they can take lots of hits and defeat both melee and ranged units.

It's also very helpful to use Specials that can heal your units like Noontime, Sol, or Aether.

Mobile Units

Reinhardt - ThunderReinhardt Naesala - SkyNaesala Freyja - Lady of Nightmare ImageFreyja Lyn - Brave Lady ImageBrave Lyn

Another type of units that you can use are mobile units that can move 2 spaces or more.

The reason for this is because they can close the distance fairly quickly and take out the enemy units quickly.

However, do take note that units with low Def or Res are in danger of being one-shot by enemy units either through counterattacks or by being attacked during the enemy phase.

Galeforce Units

Tibarn - Shipless Pirate ImagePirate Tibarn Cordelia - Knight Paragon ImageCordelia Roy - Brave Lion ImageBrave Roy Ephraim - Legendary Lord ImageLegendary Ephraim

The third type of units that you can use are units that utilize Galeforce really well.

Units that have Galeforce as a Special (whether it be in their base kit or inherited) can take advantage of it and try defeating as many enemy units as they can, sometimes clearing the entire map in one round.

If You're Using Healers or Dancers, Unequip Their Weapon!

Performing Azura FEH 2021

You can use dancers or healers, but in order to prevent them from straying too far or attacking, unequip their weapon.

This puts them lower in the priority list of AI actions, making it so they don't act aggressively.

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