Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Makna Forest Map | Locations, Landmarks, and Secret Areas

This is a guide to fully mapping Makna Forest in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1). Read on to know all of Makna Forest's Landmarks, Locations, Secret Areas, and even unlocking inaccessible ones.

Makna Forest Maps

Makna Forest Landmarks

A Makna Path B Agni Tablet
C Waypoint Beacon D Lakeside
E Nopon Arch F Twisted Tree Gate
G Village Entrance H Windmill Pavilion
I Glowmoss Trihenge J Pod Landing Site
K Valak Pass L Divine Sanctuary
M Seahorse Islet N Sparkling Pool
O King Agni's Tomb - -

Seahorse Islet

A secret area in Makna Forest. It is easy to reach but hard to do so without knowing where it is. You can easily reach the landmark by jumping down from the repaired Bridge 4 and swimming north.

King Agni's Tomb

King Agni's Tomb is an area that can be unlocked by completing a series of quest from Lupa in Frontier Village. Lupa can be found in the Archaeology level of Frontier Village.

Makna Forest Locations

1 Bridge One 2 Bridge Two
3 Bridge Three 4 Repaired Bridge Four
5 Great Makna Falls 6 Sap Cave
7 Contaminated Area 8 Eks Watering Hole
9 Clear Waterfall 10 Yellow Flower Grove
11 Decayed Forest 12 Abyss Basin
13 Precipice Bridge 14 Hode Lair

How to Repair Bridge Four

Accept the Quest “Bridge Repair”

Bridge Four is the area dividing Makna Forest and Valak Mountain. It's inaccessible until you reach chapter 10 and accept the quest Bridge Repair. The quest recipient is a Nopon that is found near the broken bridge from Valak Mountain's side.

How to Enter Hode's Lair

Complete Leku's Quests

Hode's Lair is an area that is home to a series of quest from Leku and obtaining the item “Kilaki's Note”. For a detailed guide about entering Hode's Lair, see the link below.

How to Enter Hode's Lair

Related Links - Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

All Maps List

Colony 9 Tephra Cave
Bionis Leg Colony 6
Ether Mine Satorl Marsh
Bionis Interior Makna Forest
Frontier Village Eryth Sea
Alcamoth High Entia Tomb
Prison Island Valak Mountain
Sword Valley Galahad Fortress
Fallen Arm Mechonis Field
Central Factory Agniratha


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