Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Dragonite Ore - Where to Find and How to Use

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This page has everything you need to know about Dragonite Ore from Monster Hunter World (MHW). If you want to know where to find and how to use this item, check out the information below!

Dragonite Ore - Basic Information

Name Dragonite Ore
Type Mineral Material
Effect An ore that yields metal superior to that of Machalite. Invaluable for making durable armor.
Buy Price  - Sell Price  480

List of All Items and Materials

Dragonite Ore - Where to Find

Found in the Field

Ancient Forest ImageAncient Forest Low Rank Not found
High Rank 2 3 9 10 11 14
Master Rank Not found
Wildspire Waste ImageWildspire Waste Low Rank Not found
High Rank 3 5 6 7 8 10 13
Master Rank Not found
Coral Highlands ImageCoral Highlands Low Rank 8 9 11 15
High Rank 8 9 10 11 12 14 15
Master Rank Not found
Rotten Vale ImageRotten Vale Low Rank 12 15
High Rank 4 8 11 12 14
Master Rank Not found
ElderElder's Recess Low Rank Not found
High Rank 12 11 9 8 7 6 3 13 14 15
Master Rank Not found

Quest Rewards via Quest

Main Reward

Quest Location/Monster
★4 It's A Crying Shamos Coral Highlands
★4 A Tzitzi For Science Coral Highlands
★4 Sorry You're Not Invited Coral Highlands
★4 What A Bunch Of Abalone Coral Highlands
★4 White Monster For A White Coat Coral Highlands
★4 Persistent Pests Rotten Vale
★4 A Rotten Thing To Do Rotten Vale
Great Girros
★4 A Bone To Pick Rotten Vale
★4 On Nightmare's Wings Rotten Vale
★4 Troubled Troupers Coral Highlands
★5 Gone In A Flash Coral Highlands
★5 Scratching The Itch Rotten Vale
★5 Man's Best Friend Rotten Vale
★5 The Meat Of The Matter Rotten Vale

Quest Rewards

Quest Appearance Rate
★5 Every Hunter's Dream -
★6 Gaze Upon the Dawn 24
★6 A Colossal Task (x1) ★★★★
(×1) ★★★
★4 Radobaan Roadblock (×1) ★★
★4 Ballooning Problems (×1) ★★
★4 One For The History Books (×1) ★★★

If you've found any locations where Dragonite Ore is available, be sure to let us know in the comments!

Dragonite Ore - How to Use

Item Upgrades

Weapon Upgrade Paths

Alloy Bow I (10x) Aqua Arrow II (5x)
Aqua Assault Ⅱ (5x) Aqua Bagpipe II (5x)
Aqua Hammer II (5x) Aqua Messer II (5x)
Buster Blade I (2x) Buster Blade II (5x)
Buster Blade III (5x) Carapace Axe II (3x)
Carapace Buster II (3x) Carapace Cannon II (3x)
Carapace Edge II (3x) Carapace Lance II (3x)
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠ (3x) Carapace Sledge II (3x)
Chrome Assault Ⅰ (10x) Chrome Blade I (10x)
Chrome Guardian I (10x) Chrome Gunlance I (10x)
Chrome Lance I (10x) Chrome Razor I (10x)
Chrome Slicer I (10x) Chrome Slicers I (10x)
Cross Blitz Ⅰ (10x) Dual Slicers I (2x)
Dual Slicers II (5x) Dual Slicers III (5x)
Elite Commission Axe I (2x) Elite Commission Axe II (5x)
Elite Commission Axe III (5x) Fortissimo I (10x)
Great Bagpipe I (2x) Great Bagpipe II (5x)
Great Bagpipe III (5x) High Chain Blitz Ⅰ (2x)
High Chain Blitz Ⅱ (5x) High Chain Blitz Ⅲ (5x)
Improved Steel Axe I (2x) Improved Steel Axe II (5x)
Improved Steel Axe III (5x) Iron Archdemon I (10x)
Iron Demon I (2x) Iron Demon II (5x)
Iron Demon III (5x) Iron Gospel I (10x)
Iron Grace I (2x) Iron Grace II (5x)
Iron Grace III (5x) Perfected Alloy Axe I (10x)
Steel Assault Ⅰ (2x) Steel Assault Ⅱ (5x)
Steel Assault Ⅲ (5x) Steel Blade I (2x)
Steel Blade II (5x) Steel Blade III (5x)
Steel Bow Ⅰ (2x) Steel Bow ⅠⅠ (5x)
Steel Bow III (5x) Steel Gunlance I (2x)
Steel Gunlance II (5x) Steel Gunlance III (5x)
Steel Knife I (2x) Steel Knife II (5x)
Steel Knife III (5x) Steel Lance I (2x)
Steel Lance II (5x) Steel Lance III (5x)
Sworn Rapiers (3x) Sworn Rapiers+ (6x)
Thunder Axe I (5x) Thunder Blade I (5x)
Thunder Blitz Ⅰ (5x) Thunder Gaida I (5x)
Thunder Hammer I (5x) Thunder Lance I (5x)
Wyvern Ignition "Steel" (7x)

Weapon Types and List of Weapons

Equipment Upgrade Paths

Alloy Coil Alpha (6x) Alloy Coil Beta (6x)
Alloy Greaves Alpha (4x) Alloy Greaves Beta (4x)
Alloy Helm Alpha (6x) Alloy Helm Beta (6x)
Alloy Mail Alpha (4x) Alloy Mail Beta (4x)
Alloy Vambraces Alpha (4x) Alloy Vambraces Beta (4x)
Alloy Vambraces Beta (4x) Butterfly (Female) Brachia (2x)
Butterfly (Female) Crura (2x) Butterfly (Female) Vertex (2x)
Chainmail Armor Alpha (2x) Chainmail Armor Beta (2x)
Chainmail Belt Alpha (2x) Chainmail Belt Beta (2x)
Chainmail Gloves Alpha (2x) Chainmail Gloves Beta (2x)
Chainmail Headgear Alpha (2x) Chainmail Headgear Beta (2x)
Chainmail Trousers Alpha (2x) Chainmail Trousers Beta (2x)
Gastodon Horn Alpha (5x) Gastodon Horn Beta (5x)
High Metal Coil (2x) High Metal Greaves (2x)
High Metal Helm (2x) High Metal Mail (2x)
High Metal Vambraces (2x) Hornetaur Greaves (3x)
Hornetaur Mail (2x) Ingot Coil (3x)
Ingot Coil Alpha (4x) Ingot Coil Beta (4x)
Ingot Greaves (2x) Ingot Greaves Alpha (4x)
Ingot Greaves Beta (4x) Ingot Helm (2x)
Ingot Helm Alpha (4x) Ingot Helm Beta (4x)
Ingot Mail (2x) Ingot Mail Alpha (4x)
Ingot Mail Beta (4x) Ingot Vambraces (3x)
Ingot Vambraces Alpha (4x) Ingot Vambraces Beta (4x)
King Beetle Crura (2x) King Beetle Vertex (2x)
Legiana Greaves (2x) Odogaron Coil (3x)
Odogaron Greaves (2x) Odogaron Helm (2x)
Odogaron Mail (2x) Odogaron Vambraces (3x)
Zorah Claws Alpha (8x) Zorah Claws Beta (8x)
Zorah Headgear Alpha (8x) Zorah Headgear Beta (8x)

List of Armor and Armor Skills

Charm Upgrade Paths

Capacity Charm (8x) Defense Charm I (4x)
Defense Charm II (8x) Geology Charm I (4x)
Geology Charm II (8x) Guard Charm II (6x)
Heavy Artillery Charm I (4x)

List of Charms

Palico Weapons & Armor Upgrade Paths

Felyne Watcher Head (3x)

Palico Equipment

Monster Hunter World Related Links

List of Items by Rarity

Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Rarity 3
Rarity 4 Rarity 5 Rarity 6
Rarity 7 Rarity 8 Rarity 9
Rarity 10 Rarity 11 Rarity 12

List of Materials by Type

Material Type
Plants.pngPlants Insects.pngInsects Minerals.pngMinerals
Fish.pngFish Bones.pngBones Account Item.pngAccount Items
Monster.pngMonster Parts Endemic Life.jpegEndemic Life Other.pngOther

List of Items by Type

Item Type
Medicine.pngMedicine Slinger Ammo.pngSlinger Ammo Meat.pngMeat Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Account Item.pngTrade-in Items Traps.pngTraps and Bombs Compounds.pngCompounds Tickets.pngCoins and Tickets
Armor Sphere.pngArmor Spheres Armor Sphere.pngFeystones


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