Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Best Skills for Switch Axes

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Switch Axe Skill Recommendations
This is a guide about the best skills for Switch Axes. Read on to know which skills to look out for when making a Switch Axe build and why.

Offensive Skills

Affinity Skills Agitator Partbreaker

Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit

Critical Boost.png
Weakness Exploit.png

Switch Axes do not need much in terms of offensive skills because they naturally place high up in the damage charts. That is not to say that Affinity Skills have no place in a Switch Axe's build.

The Switch Axe's Phial attacks (including Phial discharges) can crit and have amplified damage on tenderized parts. This is where skills such as Weakness Exploit and Critical boost come in as they synergize well with the Switch Axe's Clutch Claw-reliant moveset and mechanics very well.

A High-Affinity Switch Axe in the hands of an experienced hunter can lead to some of the most insane damage outputs seen in Monster Hunter World.


The introduction of the Clutch Claw made the Agitator Skill a community staple when making builds. When active, Agitator grants hunters +20 attack and affinity by 10% at level five. (Level six and seven are unlocked via the Agitator Secret Skill.)

The Clutch Claw, specifically its Flinch Shot Attack, gave hunters the ability to enrage the monster whenever the opportunity presents itself. This gave hunters a way to maintain their Agitator's up-time.


The Switch Axe's damage output is comparable to a Charge Blade's but paired with the precision of a Lance. This makes the Switch Axe one of the most efficient part breakers in the Monster Hunter World.

Partbreaker increases Part Damage by 30% at level three, complimenting the Switch Axe's methodical playstyle perfectly.

Defensive Skills

Evasion Skills Earplugs Divine Blessing
Health Boost

Evade Extender, Evade Window

Evade Extender.png
Evade Window.png

Switch Axes are notorious for having terrible evade distance and invulnerability frames in Sword Form. These Evasion Skills ensure that hunters have great dodge rolls and invulnerability frames regardless of which Form their Switch Axes are currently in.



Earplugs offer total protection against a monster's roar at level five. This synergizes well for the Switch Axe as its damage combos are often long and slow.

It is important to note that during a Sword Form's Zero Sum Discharge Attack, Hunters will have level four Earplugs naturally, This means hunters need only one level in Earplugs to be completely immune during the full duration of Zero Sum Discharge.

Divine Blessing

Divine Blessing Secret.png
Switch Axes need to be in constant close-range to deal its high damage. Divine Blessing offers an extra layer of protection for hunters as it reduces the damage infliced by the monster attack that triggered it by 50% at level three.

Divine Blessing levels four and five are unlocked via the Divine Blessing secret.

Health Boost

Health Boost.png
It never hurts to pump up one's HP! Health Boost increases a hunter's Health by 50 at level three, making it a solid addition to any build - especially early on in the game.

Utility Skills

Power Prolonger Focus Quick Sheath
Mind's Eye/Ballistics

Power Prolonger

Power Prolonger.png
Power Prolonger greatly increases the duration of the Switch Axe's weapon buffs at level three. This ensures that a hunter can spend more time dealing damage before recharging their Axe Form's flinch buff and Sword Form's Amped State.


The Focus Skill's benefits are targetted towards the Switch Axe's Sword Form. The skill Increases gauge fill rates by 20% at level three, making it easier for hunters to re-apply their Sword Form's Amped State.

Quick Sheath

Quick Sheath.png
The Switch Axe's sheathing speed is one of the slowest in the game. Hunters who find this an issue may consider using Quick Sheath in their builds. This skill greatly improves the sheathing speed at level three.

Mind's Eye/Ballistics

Unlike its Sword Form, The Switch Axe's Axe Form can deflect off a monster's hide if it is thick enough.

Hunters who find this an issue can consider using Mind's Eye/Ballistics to completely prevent attacks from deflecting off a monster, no matter how hard its hide is!

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6 Anonymous7 months

This page is wrong about the SA's sheathe, its faster than the charge blade for sure, maybe on par with the longsword. Quick Sheathe is not necessary! It is still a very comfortable skill to use, but not necessary in any way!


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