Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Hunting Horn Notes and Effects

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Curious how many notes the Hunting Horn has and what their effects are? Wonder no further! Here is a list of the Hunting Horn Notes and Effects in Monster Hunter World (MHW).

Different Types of Hunting Horn Notes

There are different types of Hunting Horn Notes that make up different songs. First is the note's color, then how you attack.

Notes by Color

White Red Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange Purple
white hunting horn note.png red hunting horn note.png blue hunting horn note.png aqua hunting horn note.png green hunting horn note.png yellow hunting horn note.png orange hunting horn note.png purple hunting horn note.png

It's important to pay attention to the colors of the notes as these are the foremost determining factor of what melodies you can play.

Notes by Attack Type

Attack Note A Attack Note B Attack Note C Echo Attack
purple attack note a hunting horn note.png red attack note b hunting horn note.png orange attack note c hunting horn note.png echo attack hunting horn note.png

Knowing what the difference is between these different notes and how to execute them will be the first thing you have to memorize as a Hunting Horn user.

About the Echo Attack Note and Effects

echo attack buff.png
The Echo Attack, which came with Iceborne, is especially unique in how you execute it and what it does. It does not have a color, but it creates new melodies with different effects, whether it is to deal big damage with its Echo Waves, or leave an Echo Bubble (pictured above).

The Echo Bubble applies buffs like Recitals would, but hunters would have to step into it to receive the buff. Just like normal Hunting Horn buffs, the buff from the Echo Bubble stays for a certain period of time after hunters step out.

The Echo Bubble also remains in the battlefield for some time, so hunters are free to step in and out of it anytime to refresh the duration of the buff without having the Hunting Horn user do another Recital.

Recitals and Encores

When you first play a melody on your Hunting Horn, the melody on the top right of your screen will turn green. This is called the Recital.

When you repeat the same melody right after the Recital, the melody will then turn purple. This is called an Encore, and will usually have better and/or extended effects.

For more information on how to use the Hunting Horn, check out our beginner's guide on How to Use the Hunting Horn!

How to Use Hunting Horn

List of All Hunting Horn Melodies

List of Miscellaneous Melodies

white hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Movement Speed Up
Attack Deflection Prevention
Scoutfly Power Up
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Levels up your monster tracking level up by 1
Extends duration of effect
Sonic Waves
yellow hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
Acts like a Screamer Pod; will bring Diablos, Black Diablos, and Beotodus out of the ground.

List of Buffing Melodies

Attack Up (S)
white hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
yellow hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.png
red hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Slightly increases attack power
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Attack Up (L)
purple hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Increases attack power
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Defense Up (S)
white hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
Slightly increases defense
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Defense Up (L)
purple hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Increases defense
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Attack and Defense Up (S)
orange hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Slightly increases both attack power and defense
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Affinity Up (S) / Health Recovery (S)
green hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Increases critical rate and recovers some health over time
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Abnormal Status Attack Up (S)
aqua hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Increases attack power of weapons that apply abnormal statuses (Blastblight, Poison, Stun, Paralysis, and Sleep)
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Divine Protection
green hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
Lessens damage received (Divine Protection)
Extends duration of effect
Health Boost (S)
red hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Heals a small portion of lost health and increases max health
Extends duration of effect
Health Boost (L)
red hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Heals a portion of lost health and increases max health
Extends duration of effect
Stamina Use Reduced (S)
white hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
white hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
white hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
Slightly reduces stamina depletion for actions that use up stamina
Extends duration of effect
Stamina Use Reduced (L)
purple hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Reduces stamina depletion for actions that use up stamina
Extends duration of effect
Tool Use Drain Reduced (S)
white hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Slightly slows down the time before a Booster or Mantle runs out
Extends duration of effect
Tool Use Drain Reduced (L)
purple hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Slows down the time before a Booster or Mantle runs out
Extends duration of effect

List of Healing and Recovery Melodies

Health Recovery (S)
white hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Recovers some health
Health Recovery (M)
green hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.png
Recovers health
Health Recovery (L)
green hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Recovers a lot of health
Health Recovery (S) + Antidote
green hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
Recovers some health and cures poison
Health Recovery (M) + Antidote
green hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
Recovers health and cures poison
Recovery Speed (S)
green hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
Health recovers continuously over time by a small amount
Extends duration of effect
Recovery Speed (L)
green hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Health recovers continuously over time
Extends duration of effect

List of Anti-Crowd Control Melodies

Earplugs (S)
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Negates small roars (Earplugs Lvl 3)
Extends duration of effect
Earplugs (L)
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
orange hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Negates small and big roars (Earplugs Lvl 5)
Extends duration of effect
Wind Pressure Negated
blue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.png
blue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.png
blue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Negates minor and major wind pressure (Windproof Lvl 5)
Extends duration of effect
All Wind Pressure Negated
blue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
blue hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Negates minor and major wind pressure (Windproof Lvl 5) as well as Kushala Daora's tornadoes
Extends duration of effect
Tremors Negated
aqua hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
Negates minor and major tremors
Extends duration of effect
Stun Negated
aqua hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Negates Stun completely
Extends duration of effect
Paralysis Negated
aqua hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
aqua hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Negates Paralysis completely
Extends duration of effect
All Ailments Negated
aqua hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Negates all ailments (Blastblight, Poison, Stun, Paralysis, Sleep, and Effluvial) completely
Extends duration of effect
Envir. Damage Negated
red hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Prevents damage from the environment, such as the lava in Elder's Recess and the acid in the Rotten Vale
Extends duration of effect
Muck Res
aqua hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Prevents getting stuck in mud globs from monsters like Jyuratodus
Extends duration of effect
Muck/Water/Deep Snow Res
aqua hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Prevents getting slowed down in muck, water, and deep snow
Attack Deflection Prevention

List of Element-Related Melodies

Elemental Attack Boost (S)
yellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
purple hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.png
Increases weapon's elemental damage
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Fire Res (S)
yellow hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Increases Fire Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Fire Res (L)
yellow hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Greatly increases Fire Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Water Res (S)
yellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Increases Water Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Water Res (L)
yellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Greatly increases Water Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Thunder Res (S)
yellow hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Increases Thunder Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Thunder Res (L)
yellow hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Greatly increases Thunder Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Ice Res (S)
yellow hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngwhite hunting horn note.png
Increases Ice Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Ice Res (L)
yellow hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.pngpurple hunting horn note.png
Greatly increases Ice Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Dragon Res (S)
white hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Increases Dragon Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration
Dragon Res (L)
purple hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Greatly increases Dragon Resistance
Enhances effect and lengthens duration

List of Echo Attack Melodies

Impact Echo Wave
echo attack hunting horn note.pngred hunting horn note.png
Deals burst of damage that also builds towards a KO
Echo Wave "Dragon"
echo attack hunting horn note.pngorange hunting horn note.png
Deals burst of dragon damage and has Elderseal
Elemental Effectiveness Up
echo attack hunting horn note.pngyellow hunting horn note.png
Enhances a weapon's elemental damage
Speed Boost + Evade Window Up
echo attack hunting horn note.pngaqua hunting horn note.png
Enhances speed and increases the invincibility frames in your evade
Max Stamina Up + Recovery
echo attack hunting horn note.pngblue hunting horn note.png
Increases stamina cap to a max of 200 and enhances recovery
Extended Health Recovery
echo attack hunting horn note.pnggreen hunting horn note.png
Heals players in the Echo Bubble over time

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Links

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