Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Best Huntinghorn for Iceborne

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This is a list of the best Hunting Horn to use in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. Learn what's the best Hunting Horn to use in Iceborne including the best Iceborne starter Hunting Horn up until pre and post-Fatalis Hunting Horn!

Best Hunting Horn (Early Iceborne)

The Longsword weapons early on doesn't really provide much bonuses compared to the Defender Longsword which is your main starter weapon in Iceborne. Below, we'll be listing the best Longswords you can craft for the early-mid game of the Iceborne Expansion.

Deep Vero

Deep Vero
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
7 924 -30 Dragon 240
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- High 2 times ーーー
Notes Purple, Red, Blue

Why is it Good?

Despite being an HR weapons, the Deep Vero is able to make itself stay as a good weapon in Iceborne's early stages. Its ability to apply the three buffs (Health, Attack, and Defense) by a large amount together with the Self-Imporvement skill allows you and your team to dish out massive damage while your buffs never gets interrupted.

Best Hunting Horn Lategame (Pre-Fatalis and Post-Fatalis)

Fate's Dirge

Fate's Dirge
 Weapon Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Elem.
12 1176 -30 Dragon 330
Def. Elderseal Custom Slots
- High - ーーー
Notes Purple, Red, Blue

Why is it Good?

The Fate's Dirge is one of the best offensive Hunting Horn due to its ability to apply the three buffs (Health, Attack, and Defense) by a large amount. The Self-Improvement skill also allows it to play these buffs without being interrupted in the middle of the fight.

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