
List of All Mobs

Minecraft List of All Mobs

Mobs are monsters, creatures, and animals that reside in the world of Minecraft. Read on to see a list of all the mobs in the game, including passive, hostile, and neutral mobs, as well as how they behave and interact with the player.

List of All Mobs

Hostile Mobs

Hostile Mobs are creatures and monsters that immediately attack the player once they are spotted, and will not stop until they are either out of sight or dead. It is best to approach these mobs with caution and equipped with the best weapons and armor at your disposal.

List of Mobs
Blaze IconBlaze Charged Creeper IconCharged Creeper Chicken Jockey IconChicken Jockey
Creeper IconCreeper Drowned IconDrowned Elder Guardian IconElder Guardian
Ender Dragon IconEnder Dragon Endermite IconEndermite Evoker IconEvoker
Ghast IconGhast Giant IconGiant Guardian IconGuardian
Hoglin IconHoglin Husk IconHusk Illusioner IconIllusioner
Magma Cube IconMagma Cube Phantom IconPhantom Piglin Brute IconPiglin Brute
Pillager IconPillager Ravager IconRavager Shulker IconShulker
Silverfish IconSilverfish Skeleton IconSkeleton Skeleton Horseman IconSkeleton Horseman
Slime IconSlime Spider Jockey IconSpider Jockey Stray IconStray
Vex IconVex Vindicator IconVindicator Warden IconWarden
Witch IconWitch Wither IconWither Wither Skeleton IconWither Skeleton
Zoglin IconZoglin Zombie IconZombie Zombie Villager IconZombie Villager

List of All Hostile Mobs

Neutral Mobs

Neutral Mobs do not attack the player unless provoked or under certain conditions. These conditions range from looking the mob in the eye to wearing the wrong armor. If these mobs do not attack, it is best to avoid them unless you need to obtain some valuable loot.

List of Mobs
Bee IconBee Cave Spider IconCave Spider Dolphin IconDolphin
Enderman IconEnderman Goat IconGoat Iron Golem IconIron Golem
Llama IconLlama Panda IconPanda Piglin IconPiglin
Polar Bear IconPolar Bear Spider IconSpider Wolf IconWolf
Zombified Piglin IconZombified Piglin

List of All Neutral Mobs

Passive Mobs

Passive Mobs do not attack the player under any circumstance. Some will try to run away or may get angry with you, but they will never cause you any harm. These mobs include many of the animals in the game and villagers.

List of Mobs
Allay IconAllay Axolotl IconAxolotl Bat IconBat
Cat IconCat Chicken IconChicken Cod IconCod
Cow IconCow Donkey IconDonkey Fox IconFox
Frog IconFrog Glow Squid IconGlow Squid Horse IconHorse
Mooshroom IconMooshroom Mule IconMule Ocelot IconOcelot
Parrot IconParrot Pig IconPig Pufferfish IconPufferfish
Rabbit IconRabbit Salmon IconSalmon Sea Turtle IconSea Turtle
Sheep IconSheep Skeleton Horse IconSkeleton Horse Snow Golem IconSnow Golem
Squid IconSquid Strider IconStrider Tadpole IconTadpole
Tropical Fish IconTropical Fish Villager IconVillager Wandering Trader IconWandering Trader
Zombie Horse IconZombie Horse

List of All Passive Mobs

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