
How to Breed Goats and Spawn Mechanics

The Goat is a Neutral Animal Mob in Minecraft. Read on to learn information about Goats, its drops, locations and spawning, behavior, and how breed Goats!

Goat Overview

Goat Basic Information

Goat Icon HP
Type Land Animal
Category Neutral

Goat Drops and Rarity

Obtaining Goat Horns

Goat Horn

Goats do not drop any items or blocks when taken down. However, when an adult Goat charges into a solid block, it can drop Goat Horns upon impact.

Milking Goats

Milking Goats

Players can obtain Milk from Goats by using a Bucket. Simply approach a Goat with a Bucket equipped and use the it to obtain Milk.

List of All Items

How to Breed Goats

Feed Two Goats Wheat to Breed

Goat Breeding

Feeding two Goats Wheat will cause them to go into Love Mode and breed. Afterwards, the pregnant Goat will spawn a baby Goat, which can grow faster into an adult when fed more Wheat.

Goat Locations and Spawning Mechanics


List of Biomes
Frozen Peaks Minecraft Frozen Peaks Jagged Peaks Minecraft Jagged Peaks Snowy Slopes Minecraft Snowy Slopes

Goats can be found in snowy, mountainous biomes such as Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks, and Snowy Slopes.

Goat Behavior

Charges into Enemies

Goat Attacking

Goats can also ram itself towards the player, blocks, and other mobs. To know when the Goat will charge, it will lower its head and stomp its hooves to prepare for an attack.

Given that Goats are present on higher ground, it is recommended to not get hit by its charge attacks, as it pushes the player backwards and can result to falling off mountains and dying from falling damage.

Prefers to Stay on the High Ground

Goat High Ground

Found in snowy, mountainous biomes, Goats are often found making its way up to the peak of where they spawn.

Goats will jump their way up to the top if possible, and would wander around the summit once reached.

Follows Players Holding Wheat

Goat Following Player

While holding Wheat, Goats will follow players around wherever they go so long as they can reach the player.

How to Farm Goats

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