
List of All Armor

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Armor items primarily increase the wearer's defense. By equipping armor, survival from enemy attacks can be more likely. Horses and Undead Mobs may also be equipped with Armor. Read on to learn about the different pieces of armor available for Minecraft.

List of All Armor


List of Items
Turtle Shell IconTurtle Shell Netherite Helmet IconNetherite Helmet Diamond Helmet IconDiamond Helmet Golden Helmet IconGolden Helmet
Iron Helmet IconIron Helmet Chain Helmet IconChain Helmet Leather Cap IconLeather Cap

Helmets are pieces of armor that are equipped as headgear. Out of the four pieces of armor, it provides the third-most level of protection for the player.

Undead Mobs that wear helmets are also protected from damage from the sun during the day.


List of Items
Netherite Chestplate IconNetherite Chestplate Diamond Chestplate IconDiamond Chestplate Golden Chestplate IconGolden Chestplate Iron Chestplate IconIron Chestplate
Chain Chestplate IconChain Chestplate Leather Tunic IconLeather Tunic

Chestplates are pieces of armor that are equipped as body armor. Out of the four pieces of armor, it provides the highest level of protection for the player.


List of Items
Netherite Leggings IconNetherite Leggings Diamond Leggings IconDiamond Leggings Golden Leggings IconGolden Leggings Iron Leggings IconIron Leggings
Chain Leggings IconChain Leggings Leather Pants IconLeather Pants

Leggings are pieces of armor that are equipped as legwear armor. Out of the four pieces of armor, it provides the second-highest level of protection for the player.


List of Items
Netherite Boots IconNetherite Boots Diamond Boots IconDiamond Boots Golden Boots IconGolden Boots Iron Boots IconIron Boots
Chain Boots IconChain Boots Leather Boots IconLeather Boots

Boots are pieces of armor that are equipped as footwear armor. Out of the four pieces of armor, it provides the least level of protection for the player.

Horse Armor

List of Items
Diamond Horse Armor IconDiamond Horse Armor Gold Horse Armor IconGold Horse Armor Iron Horse Armor IconIron Horse Armor Leather Horse Armor IconLeather Horse Armor

Horse Armor, as the name implies, is equipped onto horses instead of the player. Horse Armor increases a Horse's defenses, protecting them from damage.

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Item Subcategories
Minecraft Items - FoodFood Minecraft Items - ToolsTools Minecraft Items - ArrowsArrows
Minecraft Items - ArmorArmor Minecraft Items - WeaponsWeapons Minecraft Items - MaterialsMaterials
Minecraft Items - DecorationsDecorations Minecraft Items - TransportationTransportation Minecraft Items - PotionsPotions
Minecraft Items - Mob EggsMob Eggs Minecraft Items - RecordsRecords Minecraft Items - ToolsDyes


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