
Piglin Drops and Spawning Mechanics

The Piglin is a Neutral Enemy Mob in Minecraft. Read on to learn information about Piglins, its drops, locations and spawning, behavior, and how to barter with Piglins!

Piglin Overview

Piglin Basic Information

Piglin Icon HP
Type Nether Enemy
Category Neutral

Piglin Drops and Rarity

Normal Drops

Item Drop Rarity
Golden Sword Icon Golden Sword
Uncommon (Player Kill)
Crossbow Icon Crossbow
Uncommon (Player Kill)

List of All Items

Piglin Locations and Spawning Mechanics


List of Biomes
Crimson Forest Minecraft Crimson Forest Nether Wastes Minecraft Nether Wastes

Piglins can only be found in the Nether, within Crimson Forest and Nether Waste biomes.

There are instances wherein players can meet Piglins that have Crossbows and are sporting Golden equipment.

Turns into a Zombified Piglin in Overworld or End

Piglin Transformation

Piglins transform into Zombified Piglins in 15 seconds!

Players can spawn a Piglin or a Piglin Brute manually through the console command screen and it will transform into a Zombified Piglin.

Moreover, Piglins can be spawned anywhere during Creative Mode with the use of its Mob Egg.

How to Beat Piglins

Eliminate One Piglin at a Time

Melee Piglin

It is highly recommended to take down Piglins when they aren't bundled together. Otherwise, one will sense your hostility towards a Piglin and will attack you as a group.

To prevent being cornered and ganged up on by Piglins, wait for them to be far from each other so you can take them down one at a time.

Prioritize Ranged Piglins

Crossbow Piglin

When dealing with multiple Piglins, it is highly recommended to take down the Piglins holding Crossbows immediately, as they can attack you from afar as you deal with the other Piglins.

Make this a priority in order to lessen further damage from the mob.

Piglin Behavior

How to Keep Piglins from Attacking

Piglin Passive Conditions

Wear Golden Armor

Hostile Piglins

Piglins are hostile when using Golden weapons!

In order for Piglins to be passive towards a player, it is required to equip at least one Golden armor.

Otherwise, the Piglins will target you and taking them down will be the only way to stop them.

Don't Open Nearby Chests

Chest Next to Piglin
Opening chests with a Piglin nearby will automatically turn it hostile, even if the player is wearing Golden armor.

When in the Nether, always check your surroundings for any Piglins when opening chests to prevent being attacked!

Don't Mine Gold Blocks and Gold Ores

Mining Next to Piglin

They won't care about your Golden armor if you mine Gold!

Piglins have a fascination with gold. That said, avoid mining Gold blocks and Gold Ores while Piglins are around if you don't want to be attacked.

Barter Using Gold Ingots

Bartering with Piglins

When passive towards a player, they can show Piglins Gold Ingots to start a barter. By doing this, Players are allowed to exchange item with Piglins.

Baby Piglin Behavior

Baby Piglin

Unlike its adult counterpart, baby Piglins are passive mobs even after being attacked.

When attacked, the baby Piglin will run away and keep its distance from the player.

How to Farm Piglins

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Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft Mobs

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List of Mobs Categories

All Mob Categories
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List of Mobs
Bee IconBee Cave Spider IconCave Spider Dolphin IconDolphin
Enderman IconEnderman Goat IconGoat Iron Golem IconIron Golem
Llama IconLlama Panda IconPanda Piglin IconPiglin
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Zombified Piglin IconZombified Piglin


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