
List of All Stone Blocks and Variants

Minecraft - Stone Blocks.png
Stone Blocks are blocks in Minecraft that are primarily found underground in the overworld. Most Minecraft worlds are mostly made out of different stone variants. Read on to see a list of all stone types and find out how to get them!

List of All Stones

Click on a Category to Jump to Its Section
Stone Cobblestone Cobblestone
Andesite Diorite Granite
Deepslate Stone Brick Mossy Cobblestone
Mossy Stone Brick Mud
Dripstone - -


List of Blocks
Stone IconStone Smooth Stone Slab IconSmooth Stone Slab Smooth Stone IconSmooth Stone Stone Stairs IconStone Stairs
Stone Slab IconStone Slab


List of Blocks
Cobblestone IconCobblestone Cobblestone Slab IconCobblestone Slab Cobblestone Stairs IconCobblestone Stairs Cobblestone Wall IconCobblestone Wall


List of Blocks
Andesite IconAndesite Polished Andesite IconPolished Andesite Andesite Stairs IconAndesite Stairs Andesite Slab IconAndesite Slab
Polished Andesite Slab IconPolished Andesite Slab Andesite Wall IconAndesite Wall


List of Blocks
Diorite IconDiorite Polished Diorite IconPolished Diorite Polished Diorite Stairs IconPolished Diorite Stairs Diorite Stairs IconDiorite Stairs
Polished Diorite Slab IconPolished Diorite Slab Diorite Slab IconDiorite Slab Diorite Wall IconDiorite Wall


List of Blocks
Granite IconGranite Polished Granite IconPolished Granite Polished Granite Stairs IconPolished Granite Stairs Granite Stairs IconGranite Stairs
Polished Granite Slab IconPolished Granite Slab Granite Slab IconGranite Slab Granite Wall IconGranite Wall


List of Blocks
Sandstone IconSandstone Chiseled Sandstone IconChiseled Sandstone Smooth Sandstone IconSmooth Sandstone Sandstone Slab IconSandstone Slab
Sandstone Stairs IconSandstone Stairs Red Sandstone IconRed Sandstone Chiseled Red Sandstone IconChiseled Red Sandstone Smooth Red Sandstone IconSmooth Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone Stairs IconRed Sandstone Stairs Red Sandstone Slab IconRed Sandstone Slab Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs IconSmooth Red Sandstone Stairs Smooth Sandstone Stairs IconSmooth Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab IconSmooth Red Sandstone Slab Smooth Sandstone Slab IconSmooth Sandstone Slab Red Sandstone Wall IconRed Sandstone Wall Sandstone Wall IconSandstone Wall
Cut Sandstone Slab IconCut Sandstone Slab Cut Red Sandstone Slab IconCut Red Sandstone Slab Cut Sandstone IconCut Sandstone Cut Red Sandstone IconCut Red Sandstone


List of Blocks
Cobbled Deepslate Wall IconCobbled Deepslate Wall Polished Deepslate Wall IconPolished Deepslate Wall Deepslate Brick Wall IconDeepslate Brick Wall Deepslate Tile Wall IconDeepslate Tile Wall
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs IconCobbled Deepslate Stairs Deepslate Tile Stairs IconDeepslate Tile Stairs Polished Deepslate Stairs IconPolished Deepslate Stairs Deepslate Brick Stairs IconDeepslate Brick Stairs
Infested Deepslate IconInfested Deepslate Cobbled Deepslate Slab IconCobbled Deepslate Slab Polished Deepslate Slab IconPolished Deepslate Slab Deepslate Tile Slab IconDeepslate Tile Slab
Deepslate Brick Slab IconDeepslate Brick Slab Deepslate Tiles IconDeepslate Tiles Cracked Deepslate Tiles IconCracked Deepslate Tiles Deepslate Bricks IconDeepslate Bricks
Cracked Deepslate Bricks IconCracked Deepslate Bricks Chiseled Deepslate IconChiseled Deepslate Cobbled Deepslate IconCobbled Deepslate Polished Deepslate IconPolished Deepslate

Stone Brick

List of Blocks
Stone Brick Slab IconStone Brick Slab Stone Bricks IconStone Bricks Cracked Stone Bricks IconCracked Stone Bricks Chiseled Stone Bricks IconChiseled Stone Bricks
Stone Brick Stairs IconStone Brick Stairs Stone Brick Wall IconStone Brick Wall

Mossy Cobblestone

List of Blocks
Mossy Cobblestone IconMossy Cobblestone Mossy Cobblestone Wall IconMossy Cobblestone Wall Mossy Cobblestone Stairs IconMossy Cobblestone Stairs Mossy Cobblestone Slab IconMossy Cobblestone Slab

Mossy Stone

List of Blocks
Mossy Stone Bricks IconMossy Stone Bricks Mossy Stone Brick Stairs IconMossy Stone Brick Stairs Mossy Stone Brick Slab IconMossy Stone Brick Slab Mossy Stone Brick Wall IconMossy Stone Brick Wall


List of Blocks
Brick Slab IconBrick Slab Bricks IconBricks Brick Stairs IconBrick Stairs Brick Wall IconBrick Wall

Mud Bricks

List of Blocks
Mud Brick Slab IconMud Brick Slab Packed Mud IconPacked Mud Mud Bricks IconMud Bricks Mud Brick Stairs IconMud Brick Stairs
Mud Brick Wall IconMud Brick Wall


List of Blocks
Pointed Dripstone IconPointed Dripstone Dripstone Block IconDripstone Block

How to Get Different Stone Variants

Mine Them Underground

Minecraft Find Stone Underground

Most of the stones are obtainable underground, but some are found in different y-levels or at different levels of abundance. The fastest way to do mine them is to find a cave that leads underground to save time and resources mining down.

However, there are some stone blocks that are biome-specific and you have to search around first to get them.

Stone How to Get
Stone Found in abundance in the overworld at y-levels of 5 or higher (requires Silk Touch to mine).
Deepstone Found in abundance in the overworld at y-levels 5 or lower.
Andesite, Diorite, and Granite Found in scattered clusters across the overworld.
Mossy Stones Found in Old Growth Spruce or Pine Taiga Biomes. Can also be crafted.
Dripstones Found in Dripstone Cave biomes.
Sandstones Found in Desert Biomes underneath the sand but above the stone. Can also be crafted.

Craft Them at a Crafting Table or Stonecutter

Minecraft Craft with Stonecutter

Although you can find most stone variants by exploring the overworld, many can only be obtained through crafting. This is especially true for the different brick blocks in the game. Though you can use a Crafting Table, the Stonecutter is the best and most efficient way to craft stone.

Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft - Blocks.png
List of All Blocks

List of Block Categories

All Block Categories
Minecraft Blocks - AquaticAquatic Minecraft Blocks - BannerBanner Minecraft Blocks - ConcreteConcrete Minecraft Blocks - CreativeCreative
Minecraft Blocks - DirtDirt Minecraft Blocks - EndEnd Minecraft Blocks - GlassGlass Minecraft Blocks - HeadHead
Minecraft Blocks - LightLight Minecraft Blocks - MineralMineral Minecraft Blocks - MobsMobs Minecraft Blocks - NetherNether
Minecraft Blocks - PlantPlant Minecraft Blocks - RedstoneRedstone Minecraft Blocks - StoneStone Minecraft Blocks - TerracottaTerracotta
Minecraft Blocks - UtilityUtility Minecraft Blocks - WoodWood Minecraft Blocks - WoolWool -


2 Anonymousabout 2 years

Also seems to be missing Tuff and regular Deepslate.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

I think this list is missing Calcite. At least, I couldn't find it anywhere.


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