
List of All End Blocks

Minecraft - List of All End Blocks
End Blocks are blocks that can be found throughout The End Dimension in Minecraft. Read on to see a list of all End Blocks and find out how to get them!

List of All End Blocks


List of Blocks
Chorus Plant IconChorus Plant Chorus Flower IconChorus Flower

End Stone

List of Blocks
End Stone IconEnd Stone End Stone Bricks IconEnd Stone Bricks End Stone Brick Stairs IconEnd Stone Brick Stairs End Stone Brick Slab IconEnd Stone Brick Slab
End Stone Brick Wall IconEnd Stone Brick Wall


List of Blocks
Purpur Block IconPurpur Block Purpur Pillar IconPurpur Pillar Purpur Stairs IconPurpur Stairs Purpur Slab IconPurpur Slab

How to Get End Blocks

End Stone and Chorus Can be Found in Several End Biomes

Minecraft - End Midlands
End Stone and Chorus are pretty common inside The End. Travel around the area using your Elytra after beating the Ender Dragon to find and get them.

Some End Blocks Appear in End Cities

Minecraft - End City

Some blocks appear near or inside End Cities. All End Cities are decorated with Purpur Blocks and End Stones and are usually surrounded with Chorus flowers and plants.

End Stones and Purpur Variants are Obtained Through Crafting

Minecraft - Purpur and End Stone Blocks

You can obtain other Purpur and End Stone variants by crafting them using a Crafting Table or a Stone Cutter. You might want to get a Stone Cutter as it is more efficient to use when crafting stone items.

Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft - Blocks.png
List of All Blocks

List of Block Categories

All Block Categories
Minecraft Blocks - AquaticAquatic Minecraft Blocks - BannerBanner Minecraft Blocks - ConcreteConcrete Minecraft Blocks - CreativeCreative
Minecraft Blocks - DirtDirt Minecraft Blocks - EndEnd Minecraft Blocks - GlassGlass Minecraft Blocks - HeadHead
Minecraft Blocks - LightLight Minecraft Blocks - MineralMineral Minecraft Blocks - MobsMobs Minecraft Blocks - NetherNether
Minecraft Blocks - PlantPlant Minecraft Blocks - RedstoneRedstone Minecraft Blocks - StoneStone Minecraft Blocks - TerracottaTerracotta
Minecraft Blocks - UtilityUtility Minecraft Blocks - WoodWood Minecraft Blocks - WoolWool -


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