
List of All Enchantments and Enchanting Guide

Minecraft Enchanting Guide

Enchantments are special effects added to equipment like armor, tools, and weapons in Minecraft. Read on to see a list of all enchantments and learn how to enchant with the proper enchanting table setup, as well as see the effects, max levels, and compatible items of each enchantment.

List of All Enchantments

Enchantment Max Lvl Effect Enchantable Items
Aqua Affinity I Increases mining speed underwater ・ Helmet
Bane of Arthropods V Increases damage agains arthropod enemies (spiders and silverfish) ・ Sword
・ Axe
Blast Protection IV Reduces damage from explosions ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
Channeling I Causes your Trident to summon a lightning bolt when thrown in a thunderstorm ・ Trident
Curse of Binding I Prevents armor from getting removed once equipped ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
・ Elytra
Curse of Vanishing I Causes items to disappear when you die ・ All Equipment
Depth Strider III Increases movement speed underwater ・ Boots
Efficiency V Increases mining speed ・ Pickaxe
・ Shovel
・ Axe
・ Hoe
Feather Falling IV Reduces fall damage ・ Boots
Fire Aspect II Burns enemies for each hit ・ Sword
Fire Protection IV Reduces damage against fire ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
Flame I Makes your arrow become fire arrows and deal burning damage against mobs ・ Bow
Fortune III Increases the number of items drop from mining specific blocks ・ Pickaxe
・ Shovel
・ Axe
・ Hoe
Frost Walker II Creates patches of ice while walking in water and makes you immune to damage while walking over a campfire or magma blocks ・ Boots
Impaling V Increases the attack damage of your Trident against underwater mobs ・ Trident
Infinity I Arrow won't be consumed when used ・ Bow
Knockback II Increases knockback against enemies ・ Sword
Looting III Increases items dropped from mobs ・ Sword
Loyalty III Allows the Trident to automatically return to you once thrown ・ Trident
Luck of the Sea III Increases the chance of getting rare items when fishing ・ Fishing Rod
Lure III Increases the chance of the fishes to bite in your fishing rod ・ Fishing Rod
Mending I Recovers item's durability when gaining experience ・ All Equipment
Multishot I Allows you to shoot 3 arrows while only consuming 1 arrow in your inventory ・ Crossbow
Piercing IV Allows the arrows from the Crossbow to pierce through mobs ・ Crossbow
Power V Increases your bow and arrow's damage against mobs ・ Bow
Projectile Protection IV Reduces damage against projectile attacks ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
Protection IV Gives damage resistance to all attacks ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
Punch II Increases your bow and arrow's knockback against mobs ・ Bow
Quick Charge III Reduces time to load an arrow using your Crossbow ・ Crossbow
Respiration III Increases underwater time ・ Helmet
Riptide III Propels you forward when you throw your Trident on water or when raining ・ Trident
Sharpness V Increases Attack Damage ・ Sword
・ Axe
Silk Touch I Get the exact block when mining blocks ・ Pickaxe
・ Shovel
・ Axe
・ Hoe
Smite V Increases damage against undead enemies ・ Sword
・ Axe
Soul Speed III Increases movement speed while on Soul Sand or Soul Soil ・ Boots
Sweeping Edge III Increases the sweep attack damage of a sword ・ Sword
Swift Sneak III Increases your movement speed while crouching ・ Leggings
Thorns III Damages all enemies who attack you ・ Helmet
・ Chestplate
・ Leggings
・ Boots
Unbreaking III Increases the durability of items ・ All Equipment

How to Enchant Books and Equipment

Guide to Enchanting Items

Make an Enchanting Table Setup

Minecraft Craft Enchanting Table

The first step to enchanting your gear is to craft an enchanting table, which can be done once you have obtained enough diamonds and obsidian in your world. Place any enchantable item into the enchanting table to see the available enchantments.

Take note that Treasure Enchantments like Mending, Frost Walker, Soul Speed, Curse of Binding, and Curse of Vanishing cannot be obtained from an enchanting table and must be obtained through other methods.

Enchant Equipment or Books with XP

You can either enchant your equipment directly or enchant a book and place the enchantment on your equipment with an anvil. However, you can only enchant an item once with the enchanting table.

You need both XP and Lapis Lazuli to enchant. To the left of the selected enchantment, you'll see the number of levels and Lapis Lazuli the enchant will consume. To the right, you'll see the minumum level you need to be to enchant it.

Place bookshelves around the enchating table

The level of enchantments you get in the enchanting table depend on the number of bookshelves surrouding it. To get the highest possible levels of enchantments, place at least 15 bookshelves in the area around the table.

The placement of the bookshelves is also important. The blue stained glass blocks shown in the image are all valid places you can place a bookshelf.

Placing any block in between the enchanting table and the bookshelf will also render it invalid, even torches, so make sure this area stays clear of any blocks.

Enchantments in the table are random

Minecraft Random Enchantments

When you place an item into the enchanting table, you receive a random set of enchantments for that specific item type. To reshuffle your random assortments of enchantments, you first need to use the enchanting table on any enchantable item. Restarting your game or letting time pass will not reshuffle your enchantments.

There are times when you may get some unintended additional enchantments when using an enchanting table. This may be beneficial if they are enchantments you need, but they may also detrimental if you get enchantments you don't want.

Use an Enchanted Book and Anvil

Instead of using an enchanting table to enchant your items, you can also use an Enchanted Book and Anvil. Place the equipment item into the first slot of the Anvil and the book in the second slot. The advantages of this method is that you can enchant your gear several times by repeating the same process.

Using Enchanted Books will also consume XP. You can see the number of levels consumed after enchanting in the lower-right corner of the anvil HUD. The more enchantments you place on an item, the higher the enchantment cost.

The enchantment must be compatible with the equipment

You need to make sure that the enchantment in the book is compatible with the equipment you are trying to enchant or else the item will not be enchanted. If the book has multiple enchantments, only compatible enchantments will be placed on the item.

Combining Enchantments

Minecraft Combining Enchantments

When you use an anvil to combine two pieces of the same equipment type or two enchanted books into one, they combine enchantments. If the enchantments differ, the final product will have the enchantments of both items.

However, if two enchantments are mutually exclusive, like Fortune and Silk Touch they cannot be added to the same item at once. In this case, only the mutually exclusive enchantment from the first item will carry over.

Combine Enchantments to Increase their Level

If you combine items with the same type of enchantment, they will upgrade to the next level. However, this will only work if the enchantments are not already at max level and have the same level originally.

Unbreaking II + Unbreaking II = Unbreaking III

Avoid placing too many enchantments

Minecraft Enchantment Too Expensive

Enchanting a piece of gear with too many enchantments will make the upgrade too expensive to perform. The easiest work around is to place all your needed enchantments into a single book first before enchanting your equipment item.

Use a Grindstone to Remove Enchantments

Minecraft Grindstone Remove Enchantments

When you get unintended enchantments from an enchanting table or when you enchant an item to reshuffle your enchantment list, you can use a Grindstone to remove any enchantments from your equipment. However, keep in mind that this removes all enchantments on the item.

Where to Find Enchanted Items

Trade with Villagers

Minecraft Villager Trade Enchantments

Librarian Villagers will often trade enchanted books for Emeralds and regular books with the player, while Armorers, Toolsmiths, and Weaponsmiths will carry enchanted items as part of their stock.

List of Villager Trades and Jobs

Loot Treasure Chests

Minecraft Treasure Chest Enchantments

Treasure Chests found in structures and dungeons around the world may contain different enchanted items and books. Some of these chests may be hidden or guarded by powerful mobs and traps.

Obtain from Fishing in Open Water

Minecraft Fishing Enchantments

Different enchantments can also be obtained by fishing. However, getting enchantments through fishing is rare and requires a large body of water to work. Fishing in a small or covered water source will not result in enchantments.

Get Soul Speed from Piglin Bartering or Bastion Remnants

Minecraft Soul Speed Enchantment

The Soul Speed Enchantment is the only Treasure Enchantment that you cannot obtain from villagers or regular treasure chests. You can only get them by either bartering with Piglins or looting chests in Bastion Remnants.

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6 Anonymous4 months

Can this please get an update? There are a number of new enchantments that are not included here yet.

5 Anonymous6 months

8щ 6:30 и все Закрепите элементы буфера обмена, чтобы они не исчезли через час


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