
Server or Realm Finder Board

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Game8's Server or Realm Finder Board for Minecraft is used for locating existing servers and realms one can immerse themselves in. Players are encouraged to share servers and realms to take on worlds and maps of their liking!

Minecraft Server or Realm Finder Board

Server or Realm Finder Board Rules

・No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
・No slander or harassment.
・No posting of images that violate public standards.
・Refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
・No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
・No advertising for other sites or apps.
・No posting for financial gain (via RMT, etc.)
Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

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List of Message Boards

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board (10) Friend FinderFriend Finder Board (396)
Server Realm FinderServer or Realm Finder Board (8) Build Showcase BoardBuild Showcase Board (4)
Minecraft - Seed Sharing BoardSeed Sharing Board (4)

Message Board

Submissions: 8
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8 JustMad74 monthsReport

Anyone wanna play my Skygen? My username is JustMad7

1 DrippyTheSlimeabout 2 yearsReport

Hi I have a modded java server for 1.19.2 it's using the Better Minecraft 1.19 on curseforge please join i stream on it

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