
List of All Plants

MC - List of All Plants.png
Plants in Minecraft come in many forms that serve to fill each world with a natural feel. Read on to see a list of all Plants, Flowers, Leaves, and other plant life in Minecraft.

List of All Plants

Click on a Category to Jump to Its Section
Leaves Saplings Flowers
Mushrooms Crops Cave Plants
Shrubbery - -


List of Blocks
Oak Leaves IconOak Leaves Spruce Leaves IconSpruce Leaves Birch Leaves IconBirch Leaves Jungle Leaves IconJungle Leaves
Acacia Leaves IconAcacia Leaves Dark Oak Leaves IconDark Oak Leaves Azalea Leaves IconAzalea Leaves Flowering Azalea Leaves IconFlowering Azalea Leaves
Mangrove Leaves IconMangrove Leaves

Trees in Minecraft are naturally composed of Wood Blocks and Leaf Blocks. Each tree produces leaves of slightly different appearances and texture. Leaves can be collected with Shears.

List of All Wood Blocks and Variants


List of Blocks
Oak Sapling IconOak Sapling Sapling IconSapling Birch Sapling IconBirch Sapling Jungle Sapling IconJungle Sapling
Acacia Sapling IconAcacia Sapling Dark Oak Sapling IconDark Oak Sapling Azalea IconAzalea Flowering Azalea IconFlowering Azalea
Mangrove Propagule IconMangrove Propagule

Saplings are typically obtained as drops from decaying tree leaves. In the right conditions, a Sapling can be planted to regrow a new tree.


List of Blocks
Allium IconAllium Azure Bluet IconAzure Bluet Blue Orchid IconBlue Orchid Cornflower IconCornflower
Dandelion IconDandelion Lilac IconLilac Lily of the Valley IconLily of the Valley Orange Tulip IconOrange Tulip
Oxeye Daisy IconOxeye Daisy Peony IconPeony Pink Tulip IconPink Tulip Poppy IconPoppy
Red Tulip IconRed Tulip Rose Bush IconRose Bush Sunflower IconSunflower White Tulip IconWhite Tulip
Wither Rose IconWither Rose

Flowers also naturally generate across different biomes, with some flowers exclusive to some Biomes. Other than for aesthetic decoration, most flowers may be used to craft Dyes to alter the color of certain items.

List of All Dyes


List of Blocks
Brown Mushroom IconBrown Mushroom Brown Mushroom Block IconBrown Mushroom Block Mushroom Stem IconMushroom Stem Red Mushroom IconRed Mushroom
Red Mushroom Block IconRed Mushroom Block

Individual Mushrooms can be found scattered across the world, primarily in darker or wetter areas. However, overgrown mushrooms can also be found in biomes such as the Dark Forest Biome.

List of All Biomes


List of Blocks
Bamboo IconBamboo Cactus IconCactus Carved Pumpkin IconCarved Pumpkin Hay Bale IconHay Bale
Melon IconMelon Pumpkin IconPumpkin Sugar Cane IconSugar Cane

Plants in this subcategory also serve as valuable resources such as food or fuel.

Cave Plants

List of Blocks
Big Dripleaf IconBig Dripleaf Glow Lichen IconGlow Lichen Hanging Roots IconHanging Roots Moss Block IconMoss Block
Moss Carpet IconMoss Carpet Small Dripleaf IconSmall Dripleaf Spore Blossom IconSpore Blossom

Plants don't only appear on the surface, but may be found underground too. These are Plants that can be found in subterranean biomes.


List of Blocks
Dead Bush IconDead Bush Fern IconFern Grass IconGrass Large Fern IconLarge Fern
Lily Pad IconLily Pad Tall Grass IconTall Grass Vines IconVines

Much like flowers, miscellaneous plants and shrubbery can also be found randomly generated across different biomes. Although these blocks don't have plenty of use outside of aesthetic.

Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft - Blocks.png
List of All Blocks

List of Block Categories

All Block Categories
Minecraft Blocks - AquaticAquatic Minecraft Blocks - BannerBanner Minecraft Blocks - ConcreteConcrete Minecraft Blocks - CreativeCreative
Minecraft Blocks - DirtDirt Minecraft Blocks - EndEnd Minecraft Blocks - GlassGlass Minecraft Blocks - HeadHead
Minecraft Blocks - LightLight Minecraft Blocks - MineralMineral Minecraft Blocks - MobsMobs Minecraft Blocks - NetherNether
Minecraft Blocks - PlantPlant Minecraft Blocks - RedstoneRedstone Minecraft Blocks - StoneStone Minecraft Blocks - TerracottaTerracotta
Minecraft Blocks - UtilityUtility Minecraft Blocks - WoodWood Minecraft Blocks - WoolWool -


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