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Welcome to Game8's Minecraft forums and message boards page. If you would like to discuss topics related to Minecraft, choose a forum from the list of message boards below!

All Forums and Message Boards

List of Message Boards

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board (10) Friend FinderFriend Finder Board (400)
Server Realm FinderServer or Realm Finder Board (8) Build Showcase BoardBuild Showcase Board (4)
Minecraft - Seed Sharing BoardSeed Sharing Board (4)

Message Board Details

Discussion Board
The Discussion Board is a forum for discussing Minecraft in general. Players are free to share their thoughts, tips, and even secrets about the game!
Friend Finder Board
The Friend Finder Board are for players who are looking to play Minecraft with other users. Make use of this board to find friends to play with to build, explore, and survive the world of Minecraft!
Server Realm Finder Board
The Server or Realm Finder Board is perfect locating existing servers and realms one can immerse themselves in. Players are encouraged to share servers and realms to take on worlds and maps of their liking.
Build Showcase Board
The Build Showcase Board is the go-to place for players to share their creations within the world of Minecraft. Players can also provide building tips to anyone who wants to get creative with their structures.

Message Board Rules

・No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
・No slander or harassment.
・No posting of images that violate public standards.
・Refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
・No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
・No advertising for other sites or apps.
・No posting for financial gain (via RMT, etc.)
Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Minecraft Related Guides

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Minecraft Guide Categories
Minecraft News and Game InfoNews and Game Info Minecraft Patch NotesPatch Notes
Minecrat Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Minecraft Mobs.pngMobs
Minecraft BlocksBlocks Minecraft ItemsItems
Minecraft EnchantmentsEnchantments Minecraft Builds.pngBuilds
Minecraft BiomesBiomes Minecraft StructuresStructures
Minecraft Advancements and AchievementsAdvancements Minecraft Message BoardsMessage Boards


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