
How to Breed Hoglins and Spawn Mechanics

The Hoglin is a Hostile Enemy Mob in Minecraft. Read on to learn information about Hoglins, its drops, locations and spawning, behavior, and how to breed Hoglins!

Hoglin Overview

Hoglin Basic Information

Hoglin Icon HP
Type Nether Enemy
Category Hostile

Hoglin Drops and Rarity

Normal Drops

Item Drop Rarity
Raw Porkchop Icon Raw Porkchop
Very Common
Leather Icon Leather

List of All Items

Hoglin Locations and Spawning Mechanics

Crimson Forest Spawn

Crimson Forest

Hoglins are common spawns in Crimson Forest biomes located in the Nether. They are usually found in packs of three and are hostile towards players.

How to Breed Hoglins

Feed Two Hoglins Crimson Fungi

Hoglins Breeding

Feeding two Hoglins Crimson Fungi will cause them to go into Love Mode and breed. Afterwards, the pregnant Hoglin will spawn a baby Hoglin, which can grow faster into an adult when fed more Crimson Fungi.

How to Beat Hoglins

Eliminate One Hoglin at a Time

Hoglin Solo

It is highly recommended to take down Hoglins when they aren't bundled together. Otherwise, one will sense your hostility towards a Hoglin and will attack you as a group.

To prevent being cornered and ganged up on by Hoglins, wait for them to be far from each other so you can take them down one at a time.

Hoglin Behavior

Hoglins Gang Up on Players

Hoglin Swarm

Usually found in batches, nearby Hoglins will not hesitate to attack players who have attacked a fellow Hoglin.

Baby Hoglin Behavior

Baby Hoglin

Baby Hoglins for the most part will follow their parents around. They are less hostile than their adult counterparts and will sometimes run away from players when attacked.

How to Farm Hoglins

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Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft Mobs

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List of Mobs Categories

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