
Best Enchantments for Each Equipment

Minecraft - Best Enchantments

Enchanting your equipment in Minecraft gives them bonus effects. Learn what the best Enchantments for each type of equipment are and how to effectively use Enchantments!

Best Enchanments

Overall Best Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Mending Recovers item's durability when gaining experience
Unbreaking III Increases the durability of items

These two Enchantments should be a staple on all equipment except for bows. Having the Mending Enchantment on your equipment makes them last longer as there are a lot of sources of XP in the game, especially in combat, while Unbreaking gives them additional durability so they last for longer.

Best Armor Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Protection IV Gives damage resistance to all attacks
Feather Falling IV
(Boots only)
Reduces fall damage

Protection gives you additional defense against all types of attacks, including the buffs that you get from having the Blast, Fire, and Projectile Protection Enchantments.

Situational Enchantments

  • Respiration III (Helm) - helps with underwater exploration, especially when hunting Ocean Monuments
  • Frost Walker II (Boots) - useful when you're traveling across large bodies of water
  • Depth Strider III (Boots) - best paired with Respiration to help you cover more distance underwater
  • Soul Speed III (Boots) - not only it negates the movement speed reduction from Soul Sand and Soul Soil found in the Nether, but also increases the player's movement speed while on them

Best Sword Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Sharpness V Increases Attack Damage
Sweeping Edge III Increases the sweep attack damage of a sword

Sharpness increases your sword's damage and Sweeping Edge (Java Edition only) increases it further if you like doing sweep attacks.

Situational Enchantments

  • Looting III - slot this on your sword if you're farming for mob drops
  • Fire Aspect II - increases your damage output further but not ideal against Endermen as they will teleport a lot more frequently while burning
  • Smite V - useful only against undead enemies
  • Bane of Arthropods V - useful only against spiders and silverfishes

Best Trident Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Riptide III Propels you forward when you throw your Trident on water or when raining
Impaling V Increases the attack damage of your Trident against underwater mobs

This setup for a trident is best when used in underwater combat. Riptide adds to your underwater mobility while Impaling increases your damage output. If you don't plan to use your trident more frequently underwater, you can switch out Riptide with Loyalty and Channeling.

Situational Enchantments

  • Loyalty III - can be used in place of Riptide so you can use your trident as a ranged weapon
  • Channeling - can only be used during thunderstorms

Best Bow Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Infinity Arrow won't be consumed when used
Power V Increases your bow and arrow's damage against mobs
Flame Makes your arrow become fire arrows and deal burning damage against mobs

Infinity vs Mending

Although Mending is one of the best Enchantments for any equipment, the case is different with bows. Mending cannot be used together in the same bow with Infinity—a bow Enchantment that gives you unlimited ammo just by having a single arrow in your inventory.

Giving your bow Unbreaking should be enough to keep your bow intact for a few days (or even weeks). If it starts to wear out, you can repair it with a simple bow. However, there's a limit on how many times you can repair an equipment, but it would take a really long time before your bow completely breaks and the effort needed to craft another enchanted bow is a lot less than farming Flint and Feathers for your normal arrows.

Situational Enchantments

  • Punch II - useful for keeping mobs at bay or pushing them off blocks

Best Crossbow Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Quick Charge III Reduces time to load an arrow using your Crossbow
Piercing IV Allows the arrows from the Crossbow to pierce through mobs

Crossbows normally have slow fire rate due to the time it requires to load an arrow. Quick Charge drastically reduces this load time and basically allows you to spam bolts with it. In addition to damaging more than one mob in a straight line, Piercing also allows you to pick up the arrow that you just used, quite similar to how Infinity works. Just be careful not to accidentally hit others!

Situational Enchantments

  • Multishot - most effective at point-blank or against large enemies but can't be used together with Piercing

Best Tool Enchantments

Enchantment Effect
Fortune III Increases the number of items drop from mining specific blocks
Efficiency V Increases mining speed
Silk Touch Get the exact block when mining blocks
Efficiency V Increases mining speed
Silk Touch Get the exact block when mining blocks
Efficiency V Increases mining speed
Silk Touch Get the exact block when mining blocks
Efficiency V Increases mining speed
Fishing Rod
Lure III Increases the chance of the fishes to bite in your fishing rod
Luck of the Sea III Increases the chance of getting rare items when fishing

Give your pickaxe Fortune and Efficiency as you will be using it for the most part of the game. Since you'll be doing a lot of mining and mineral farming in the game, you'd want to save your books and XP for enchanting your pickaxe.

Silk Touch is more useful for shovel, axe, and hoe as there aren't a lot of materials that you can farm with these. A shovel should only be Fortuned when used for farming Flint or a hoe when used for farming Saplings. These tools are better with Silk Touch so you can pick up blocks like Gravel, Bookshelves, Beehives, and leaves.

Add Lure to your fishing rod to lessen the time that you need to wait before getting a bite and add Luck of the Sea to increases the chances of these bites being a rare item like Enchanted Books.

Situational Enchantments

  • Silk Touch (Pickaxe) - use these on your Pickaxe instead of Fortune if you want to obtain/move blocks that would otherwise be destroyed and/or drop different materials like Ice blocks

Tips for Enchanting Equipment

Know each Enchantment's compatibility

Other than Mending and Unbreaking, all Enchantments have specific types of equipment that they can be used in. Some Enchantments are also mutually exclusive with others—which means they can't be used together in the same equipment.

Examples of mutually exclusive Enchantments are Riptide - Loyalty, Infinity - Mending, Piercing - Multishot, and Fortune - Silk Touch. If you want to replace an Enchantment with another that they are incompatible with, you'll have to disenchant your equipment via a Grindstone.

List of All Enchantments

Increase the level of Enchantments

Increasing the level of Enchantments boosts the effect they give on the equipment they are used in. As much as possible, make sure the ones you use, especially the best Enchantments, are at max level!

Place Bookshelves around the Enchanting Table

The level of enchantments you get in the enchanting table depend on the number of bookshelves surrouding it. To get the highest possible levels of enchantments, place at least 15 bookshelves in the area around the table.

The placement of the bookshelves is also important. The blue stained glass blocks shown in the image are all valid places you can place a bookshelf.

Combine Enchantments

Another way to get high level Enchantments is by combining two of them with the same level. This works on Enchanted Books and two similar equipment with the same Enchantment. However, this will only work if the enchantments are not already at max level and have the same level originally.

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