
Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 5 Changes, Updates, and Bug Fixes

Minecraft 1.19 Pre-5

Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 5 (1.19 pre-5) for Minecraft includes weekly bug fixes as part of the Java Snapshot 1.19 cycle. Read about the different changes, updates, and fixed bugs in Minecraft 1.19 Pre-Release 5!

Fixed Bugs in Version 1.19 Pre-Release 5

  • MC-249121 - Sculk is missing subtitles for some sounds
  • MC-249323 - Modifying a world preset to not include overworld settings will not give a datapack error, but selecting the world type will instantly crash your game
  • MC-250034 - Standing on top of mud as it converts to clay causes the player to fall through or be pushed out of the block
  • MC-250295 - Allay’s head does not rotate to where it looks
  • MC-251030 - Standing on top of soul sand or mud that converts to sculk will cause entities to fall through it
  • MC-251323 - Mobs target emerging warden/ warden faces attacking mob while emerging if dealt melee damage
  • MC-251594 - Leads are leashed too high on allays
  • MC-252038 - Warden attacks immediately if hit during emerging animation
  • MC-252108 - Eating a food item no longer opens the piston doors in city_center_2
  • MC-252157 - ‘CustomName’ NBT tag still prevents wardens from digging down
  • MC-252352 - URL in eula.txt (dedicated server) points to the wrong location

Source: Minecraft Official Website

How to Install Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 5

Enable Snapshot Installations in the Java Launcher

Minecraft Snapshots are only available for Minecraft: Java Edition. Install snapshots by accessing the Installations Tab on the Minecraft Launcher and making sure that Snapshots are enabled.

We recommend keeping a backup of your worlds since Snapshots can corrupt your world .

Minecraft Related Guides

MC - Snapshots Partial Banner.png
List of Snapshots

Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshots

Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshots
1.19 Release Candidate 2 Release Candidate 1 Pre-Release 5
Pre-Release 4 Pre-Release 3 Pre-Release 2
Pre-Release 1 22w19a -

Game8's coverage of Minecraft Snapshots began during the 1.19 cycle. Older Snapshots may not be available.


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