
List of All Farms: Farming Tips and Ideas

Minecraft List of All Farms

Farms are builds in Minecraft that help players gather resources either manually or automatically. Some farms also make use of redstone machines. Read on to see a list of all our farms, as well as farming tips and ideas!

List of Minecraft Farms

We are currently working on different builds to add to this page. Check back later for further updates!

What is a Minecraft Farm?

Builds that Help Players Gather Resources

Minecraft Farm Resources

A farm in Minecraft is any build that helps players gather resources without the need to go out and collect them around the world. The best farms are automatic or semi-automatic since they require little to no player input after it has been built.

Most farms will require your to AFK in the area to keep the farm running. However, some farms on will still work even without a player present as long as they are loaded.

Farm Tips and Ideas

Redstone Build Guide

Build a Storage System and Item Sorters

Minecraft Item Sorter

All farms will require you to build some sort of storage system to collect all the items and drops. Though simple hoppers and chests will suffice for some builds. Larger, more efficient farms that produce plenty of drops benefit from having item sorters.

Item sorters are redstone builds that help you sort items into different chests or shulker boxes. Many are simple to build, but there are some item sorters that can get very complex.

Find the Right Locations for Your Farms

Minecraft Flower Farm in Flower Forest

The placement of your farms around the world also matter since different biomes and locations produce different mobs and resources. Flower farms are best placed in Flower Forests, Drowned Farms are best placed in Rivers or Oceans, and so on.

Some farms also do not do well when placed close together. Having two mob farms near each other may affect their individual efficiencies, and having two redstone-heavy farms running at the same time may cause significant lag in your world.

Only place farms near each other if they do not conflict with each other and if they all together do not put too much strain on your system.

Prioritize Efficiency Over Design

Minecraft Efficiency over Aesthetics

Though Minecraft Farms have a beauty all on their own, they were never meant to look aesthetic. Their primary purpose it help get you resources, which you can use to make truly spectacular builds.

Use simple, easy-to-obtain blocks like stone, wood, and dirt, and turn them into slabs if possible to double your resources. If you think the farm is an eyesore, you can always build it farther away from where your base and other aesthetic builds are.

Build the Right-Sized Farms for Your Needs

Minecraft Simple Sugarcane Farm

Though it is tempting to build the biggest and most efficient farms out there, remember that the resources will merely go to waste if you do not use them. Only build the right-sized farms for your needs. Though bigger farms often have more yields, they are also significantly more work to build.

If you're building a farm for a server or realm where many people will need it and many players can help build, then you can think of large mega-farms.

AFK at Your Farms High in the Air

Minecraft AFK Up High

When going AFK at your farms, it is always best to do so high up in the air, especially for mob farms. This will prevent mobs on the surface and underground from spawning and concentrate all mobs into the farm you have just built.

Even if you are not going to AFK at a mob farm, it is always a good practice to AFK high up in the air if you are playing on realms or servers since other players might want to use a mob farm.

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