
Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3 Changes, Updates, and Bug Fixes

Minecraft - Version 1.19 Pre-Release 3

In addition to the weekly bug fixes, Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3 (1.19 pre-3) for Minecraft tweaks a Mob behavior as one of the many features being tested as part of the Java Snapshot 1.19 cycle. Read about the different changes, updates, and fixed bugs in Minecraft 1.19 Pre-Release 3!

Gameplay Changes in Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3

Gameplay Changes in Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3
・Wardens’ sonic boom attack now bypasses the damage reduction by armor enchantments such as Protection

Sonic Boom Attack is No Longer Affected by Protection

Minecraft Warden Sonic Boom Attack

In the 1.19 Pre-Release 3, a Warden's sonic boom attack will now ignore damage reduction effects provided by armor enchantments like Protection.

Gameplay Updates are Part of the 1.19 Cycle

With Version 1.19 Pre-Release 3 being part of the 1.19 cycle, players can expect these changes in the next live patch. However, keep in mind that not all gameplay features added in snapshots will automatically arrive in the next patch. These features are subject to change or further development.

Version 1.19: The Wild Update Release Date and Features

Technical Changes in Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3

Technical Changes in Java Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3
・item_interact_start is no longer detectable as a vibration to allow more specific actions be detected, like drink or eat, but item_interact_finish still is

Fixed Bugs in Version 1.19 Pre-Release 3

  • MC-209932 - Sculk sensors only detect the last turtle egg being broken when being stepped on
  • MC-210277 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon chickens laying eggs
  • MC-210278 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon bees entering or leaving their hive or nest
  • MC-214622 - Sculk sensors do not detect daylight detector mode switching
  • MC-249094 - Unexpected culling of inner sculk shrieker faces
  • MC-249230 - Frogs prioritize eating entities over panicking when being damaged
  • MC-250162 - Placing a map in an item frame will break any intersecting paintings and item frames with a map inside
  • MC-250238 - Frogs attempt to pathfind to entities outside of their reach causing them to spin and twitch constantly
  • MC-250983 - Allays can get stuck and freeze inside non-full blocks
  • MC-251220 - Block lighting on extended parts are a lot darker in 22w17a compared to 1.18.2
  • MC-251420 - Demo Mode: The “Purchase Now!” link’s destination is incorrect
  • MC-251858 - Subtitles are higher than in previous versions
  • MC-251872 - The game output and server console are logged with warnings regarding chat packets with invalid signatures when using entity selectors within commands
  • MC-251878 - Sculk sensors hearing items being dropped on the ground doesn’t alert shriekers even if a player drops it
  • MC-251968 - /execute running chat related commands logs “Received chat packet without valid signature” warning
  • MC-252071 - Warden still detects after death if signal is traveling before death
  • MC-252078 - Allays no longer flee or panic when taking damage

Source: Minecraft Official Website

How to Install Snapshot 1.19 Pre-Release 3

Enable Snapshot Installations in the Java Launcher

Minecraft Snapshots are only available for Minecraft: Java Edition. Install snapshots by accessing the Installations Tab on the Minecraft Launcher and making sure that Snapshots are enabled.

We recommend keeping a backup of your worlds since Snapshots can corrupt your world.

Minecraft Related Guides

MC - Snapshots Partial Banner.png
List of Snapshots

Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshots

Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshots
1.19 Release Candidate 2 Release Candidate 1 Pre-Release 5
Pre-Release 4 Pre-Release 3 Pre-Release 2
Pre-Release 1 22w19a -

Game8's coverage of Minecraft Snapshots began during the 1.19 cycle. Older Snapshots may not be available.


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