
List of All Neutral Mobs

Neutral Mobs Banner
Neutral Mobs are enemies and animals that turn hostile when attacked by the player or due to other factors in Minecraft. Read on to see the list of all neutral mobs in the game, the different types of neutral mobs, and more!

List of All Neutral Mobs

List of Mobs
Bee IconBee Cave Spider IconCave Spider Dolphin IconDolphin
Enderman IconEnderman Goat IconGoat Iron Golem IconIron Golem
Llama IconLlama Panda IconPanda Piglin IconPiglin
Polar Bear IconPolar Bear Spider IconSpider Wolf IconWolf
Zombified Piglin IconZombified Piglin

Neutral Mobs are initially passive mobs that turn hostile when provoked and attacked by players.

Should these neutral mobs not be attacked or acted upon, they will continue exploring the world without bothering the player.

Minecraft Related Guides

Minecraft Mobs

List of All Mobs

List of Mobs Categories

All Mob Categories
Minecraft Hostile MobsHostile Minecraft Neutral MobsNeutral Minecraft Passive MobsPassive


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